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Acronyms starting with H Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
HICSSHuman Genome AcronymsHawaii Intl. Conf. On Systems Sci.
HIDChemistry AcronymsHelium Ionization Detector
HIDChemistry AcronymsHigh Intensity Discharge
HIDChemistry AcronymsHigh Interstitial Defect
HIDNASA AcronymsHardware Interface Device
HIDNASA AcronymsHIM Interface Distributor
HIDSCUBA Diving AcronymsHigh Intensity Discharge
HIDACZUncategorized AcronymsHigh-Density Airspace Control Zone (high Dak Zed/zee)
HIERDChemistry AcronymsHeavy Ion Elastic Recoil Detection
HIERDAChemistry AcronymsHeavy Ion Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis
HIFChemistry AcronymsHypoxia Inducible Factor
HIFRUS Military AcronymsHover Inflight Refueling
HIFUChemistry AcronymsHigh-intensity Focused Ultrasound
HIGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsHow's It Going
HIGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHow's It Going?
HIGEUS Military AcronymsHover In Ground Effect
HIGFETChemistry AcronymsHeterostructure Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
HIGHNASA AcronymsPressuHigh Pressure
HIGHNASA AcronymsRatioMultiplier
HIGH-SLIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOr High Slip
HIHUncategorized AcronymsHis (or Her) Imperial Highness
HIHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHope It Helps
HIIDChemistry AcronymsHeavy Ion Induced Desorption
HIISChemistry AcronymsHeavy Ions In Space
HILDAChemistry AcronymsHigh-Latitude Exchange/Interior Diffusion-Advection Model
HILICChemistry AcronymsHydrophilic Interaction Chromatography
HIMChemistry AcronymsHydroxy Interlayered Minerals (clay Minerals)
HIMNASA AcronymsHardware Interface Module
HIMUncategorized AcronymsHis (or Her) Imperial Majesty
HIMACChemistry AcronymsHeavy Ion Medical Accelerator In Chiba
HIMADUncategorized AcronymsHigh To Medium Altitude Air Defence (see Also H/MAD)
HIMEZUncategorized AcronymsHigh Altitude Missile Engagement Zone
HIMPChemistry AcronymsHeavy Ion Microprobe
HIMSSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Resolution Microwave Spectrometer Sounder
HIMSSSatellite Meterology AcronymsHIgh-resolution Microwave Spectrometer Sounder
HIMUChemistry AcronymsHigh U/Pb Mantle (component)
HINUncategorized AcronymsHindi Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
HIOOCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHelp, I'm Out Of Coffee
HIPChemistry AcronymsHot Isostatic Pressing
HIPNASA AcronymsHardware Interface Program
HIPNASA AcronymsHardware Interface Program
HIPAAUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act
HIPCNASA AcronymsHigh Chamber Pressure
HIPCOChemistry AcronymsHigh-pressure Carbon Monoxide
HIPEChemistry AcronymsHigh Internal Phase Emulsion
HIPLEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Plains Experiment
HIPONASA AcronymsHierarchical Input/Process Output
HIPONASA AcronymsHierarchy Plus InPut/Process/Output
HIPOUS Military AcronymsHierarchical Input Process Output
HIPPARCOSUncategorized AcronymsHIgh Precision Parallax COllecting Satellite
HIPPIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Performance Parallel Interface
HIPREChemistry AcronymsHigh Internal Phase Ratio Emulsion
HIPSChemistry AcronymsHigh Impact Polystyrene
HIRAPNASA AcronymsHigh-resolution Accelerometer Package
HIRBSChemistry AcronymsHeavy-ion Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry
HIRDUncategorized AcronymsHurd Of Interfaces Representing Depth (cf. HURD)
HIRDLSAstronomy AcronymsHigh Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder
HIRDLSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder
HIRDLSChemistry AcronymsHigh-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder
HIRDLSSatellite Meterology AcronymsHIgh-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (EOS)
HIRESChemistry AcronymsHigh Resolution Echelle Spectrometer
HIRESSatellite Meterology AcronymsHIgh RESolution
HIRISAstronomy AcronymsHigh Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
HIRISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
HIRISChemistry AcronymsHigh Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
HIRISSatellite Meterology AcronymsHIgh-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (EOS)
HIRISEUncategorized AcronymsHigh Resolution Imaging Science Experiment
HIRLAMChemistry AcronymsHigh Resolution Limited Area Model
HIRPUS Military AcronymsHarpoon Imaging Infrared Program
HIRRLSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Resolution Research Limb Sounder
HIRSAstronomy AcronymsHigh Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
HIRSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Infrared Radiometer (or Radiation) Sounder
HIRSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
HIRSSatellite Meterology AcronymsHigh-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
HIRSUS Govt. AcronymsHealth Information Resources Service
HISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh-resolution Interferometer Sounder
HISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh-resolution Infrared Sounder
HISChemistry AcronymsHigh Intensity Spectrometer
HISSatellite Meterology AcronymsHigh-resolution Interferometer Sounder
HISAMNASA AcronymsHardware Initiated Standalone Memory
HITChemistry AcronymsHazard Information Transmission
HITChemistry AcronymsHeparin-induced Thrombocytopenia
HITChemistry AcronymsHeterojunction With Intrinsic Thin Layer (photovoltaic Cell; Solar Cell)
HITUncategorized AcronymsHead Injection Technology
HITAKSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHang In There And Keep Smiling
HITCChemistry Acronyms1,1',3,3,3',3'-hexamethylindotricarbocyanaine Iodide
HITRANChemistry AcronymsHigh-Resolution Transmission Molecular Absorption Database
HITSNASA AcronymsHigh Rate Multiplexer InPut/Output Test System
HIUNASA AcronymsHeadset Interface Unit
HIUNASA AcronymsHeadset Interface Unit
HIVChemistry AcronymsHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HIVMedical AcronymsHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HIVNASA AcronymsHelium Isolation Valve
HIVUncategorized AcronymsHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HIVIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Husband Is Village Idiot
HIWIPChemistry AcronymsHomojunction Interfacial Work-function Internal Photoemission
HIWTUncategorized AcronymsHobart Institute Of Welding Technology
HIWTHChatting AcronymsHate It When That Happens
HIWTHSMS Chat And Text AcronymsHate It When That Happens
HJUncategorized AcronymsHic Jacet (Latin

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