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Acronyms starting with H Page 3

 Acronym Category Meaning
HAZWOPERChemistry AcronymsHazardous Waste Operations And Emergency Response Regulations
HAZWRAPChemistry AcronymsHazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program
HBAstronomy AcronymsHorizontal Branch
HBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHard Black
HBChatting AcronymsHug Back
HBMedical AcronymsHemoglobin
HBNASA AcronymsHandbook
HBNASA AcronymsHigh Bay
HBSMS Chat And Text AcronymsHug Back
HBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHurry Back
HBARChemistry AcronymsHigh-overtone Bulk Acoustic Resonator
HBASTDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHitting Bottom And Starting To Dig
HBBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHip Beyond Belief
HBCDUncategorized AcronymsHexaBromoCycloDodecane
HBCTUS Army Acronyms (Official)Heavy Gade Combat Team
HBCUSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHistorically Black Colleges And Universities
HBDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Has Been Drinking
HBGFChemistry AcronymsHeparin-binding Growth Factor
HBIBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHot But Inappropriate Boy
HBJChemistry AcronymsHougen-Bunker-Johns (Hamiltonian For Mol. Calcns.)
HBLChemistry AcronymsHealth Based Level
HBNChemistry AcronymsHexagonal Boron Nitride
HBOUncategorized AcronymsHome Box Office
HBOCChemistry AcronymsHemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carrier
HBOCChemistry AcronymsHereditary Breast-ovarian Cancer
HBRNASA AcronymsHigh Bit Rate
HBRUncategorized AcronymsHuman Behaviour Representation
HBSUS Military AcronymsHardware Breakdown Structure
HBSSChemistry AcronymsHanks' Balanced Salt Solution
HBTChemistry AcronymsHanbury Brown Twiss (interferometry)
HBTChemistry AcronymsHeterojunction Bipolar Transistor
HBTNASA AcronymsHeflex Bio-Engineering Test
HBTUncategorized AcronymsHeterojunction Bipolar Transistor
HBVChemistry AcronymsHartree-Bogolyubov-Valatin (theory In Calcn. Of Wave Functions)
HBVChemistry AcronymsHepatitis B Virus
HBVUncategorized AcronymsHepatitis B Virus
HBVEChemistry Acronyms4-hydroxybutyl Vinyl Etherpar
HBWNASA AcronymsHot Bridge Wire
HCChemistry AcronymsHazardous Constituent
HCNASA AcronymsHand Controller
HCNASA AcronymsHead Count
HCNASA AcronymsHybrid Computer
HCUS Military AcronymsHazardous Code
HCAChemistry AcronymsHazardous Communication Act
HCAChemistry AcronymsHeterocyclic Amine
HCAChemistry AcronymsHierarchical Cluster Analysis
HCAChemistry AcronymsHuman Carbonic Anhydrase
HCCChemistry AcronymsHepatocellular Carcinoma
HCCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHoly Computer Crap
HCCIChemistry AcronymsHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
HCCIUncategorized AcronymsHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
HCCOChemistry AcronymsHeavy Catalytic Cycle Oil
HCDChemistry AcronymsHollow Cathode Discharge
HCDWChemistry AcronymsHydrogenic Continuum Distorted Wave (a Wave Function In Calcns. On Atomic And Molecular Collisions)
HCEDNASA AcronymsHand Controller Engage Driver
HCFChemistry AcronymsHigh-cycle Fatigue
HCFNASA AcronymsHigh Cycle Fatigue
HCFNASA AcronymsHIM Configuration File
HCFUncategorized AcronymsHighest Common Factor
HCFAUS Govt. AcronymsHealth Care Financing Administration (changed To CMS)
HCGChemistry AcronymsHuman Chorionic Gonadotropin
HCGMedical AcronymsHuman Chorionic Gonadotropin
HCIAstronomy AcronymsHighes Communications
HCIChemistry AcronymsHuman-Computer Interface
HCIChemistry AcronymsHighly Charged Ion
HCIUncategorized AcronymsHuman-Computer Interaction/Interface
HCIUS Military AcronymsHardness Critical Item
HCITSMS Chat And Text AcronymsHow Cool Is That
HCLChemistry AcronymsHollow Cathode Lamp
HCLNASA AcronymsHorizontal Centerline
HCMNASA AcronymsHard Copy Module
HCMMAstronomy AcronymsHeat Capacity Mapping Mission
HCMMNASA AcronymsHeat Capacity Mapping Mission
HCMOSChemistry AcronymsHigh-density Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor
HCMVChemistry AcronymsHuman Cytomegalovirus
HCNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHistorical Climatology Network
HCNChemistry AcronymsUS Historical Climatology Network
HCOChemistry AcronymsHeavy Cycle Oil
HCO3Medical AcronymsBicarbonate
HCOTChemistry AcronymsHelically Coiled Open Tube
HCPChemistry AcronymsHexagonal Close Packed
HCPUS Military AcronymsHardness Critical Process
HCPUS Military AcronymsHazardous Critical Procedures
HCPAChemistry AcronymsHomomorphic Cluster Coherent Potential Approximation
HCPTChemistry AcronymsHard-core Perturbation Theory
HCRNASA AcronymsHigh Cross Range
HCSChemistry AcronymsHeliospheric Current Sheet
HCSChemistry AcronymsHazard Communication Standard
HCSChemistry AcronymsHigh Content Screening
HCSCUncategorized AcronymsHigher Command And Staff Course
HCSELChemistry AcronymsHorizontal Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
HCSINASA AcronymsHughes Communications Services
HCSLNASA AcronymsHybrid Computation And Simulation Laboratory
HCSNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh-Capacity Satellite Network
HCTMedical AcronymsHematocrit
HCTUncategorized AcronymsHigher Colleges Of Technology
HCUNASA AcronymsHydraulic Charging Unit
HCVChemistry AcronymsHepatitis C Virus
HCVNASA AcronymsHydrogen Check Valve
HCWPChemistry AcronymsHard Corrugated Wall Potential

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