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Acronyms starting with G Page 5

 Acronym Category Meaning
GDPOrganizations AcronymsGross Domestic Product
GDPUncategorized AcronymsGeneral Dental Practitioner (UK) - Gross Domestic Product
GDPBusiness And FinanceGross Domestic Product
GDPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Data Processing System
GDRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeophysical Data Record
GDRChemistry AcronymsGerman Democratic Republic
GDRChemistry AcronymsGiant Dipole Resonance
GDRChemistry AcronymsGlucose Disposal Rate
GDRChemistry AcronymsGeophysical Data Record
GDRUncategorized AcronymsGeneral Distribution Release (Microsoft Term For A Software Service Release; Between Hotfix And Service Pack)
GDRUncategorized AcronymsGerman Democratic Republic (cf. DDR)
GDSAstronomy AcronymsGreat Dark Spot
GDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Dynamics Section
GDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeoMet Data Services
GDSChemistry AcronymsGlow Discharge Spectrometer
GDSNASA AcronymsGoldstone
GDSNASA AcronymsGNC Dynamic Simulator
GDSDNASA AcronymsGround Data SYstems Division
GDSMNASA AcronymsGround Data Systems Manager
GDSONASA AcronymsGround Data Systems Officer
GDSSRNASA AcronymsGDSD Staff Support Room
GDTChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Dilatation Transformation (method In Study Of Stationarity Principle For At. And Mol. Resonance States)
GDWUncategorized AcronymsGame Designers Workshop
GDWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGrin, Duck And Wave
GDWBChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Distorted-wave Born (approxn. Or Theory)
GDXNASA AcronymsGoldstone
GENASA AcronymsGeneral Electric
GEUncategorized AcronymsGeneral Electric - Genetic Engineering (cf. GM) -Georgia (ISO 3166 Digram)
GEUncategorized AcronymsGermanium
GESMS Chat And Text AcronymsGood Evening
GE-EPMAChemistry AcronymsGrazing-exit Electron Probe Microanalysis
GE-PIXEChemistry AcronymsGrazing-exit Particle-induced X-ray Emission
GEAChemistry AcronymsGradient-expansion Approxn. (in Exchange-energy Calcns.)
GEASICChemistry AcronymsGradient-expansion Approxn. Self-interaction Correction (functional
GEBCOUncategorized AcronymsGeneral Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans
GECUncategorized AcronymsGreat Engineering Challenge
GECALLNASA AcronymsGCOS Program Element Name
GECSCChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Exponential Cosine Screened Coulomb (potential)
GEDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Ecosystem Dynamics
GEDUncategorized AcronymsGeneral Education Development
GEDACNASA AcronymsGeneral Electric Detection And Automatic Correction
GEENETChemistry AcronymsGlobal Environmental Epidemiology Network
GEEPUncategorized AcronymsGeophysical Equipment Exploration Platform
GEFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Environmental Facility
GEFChemistry AcronymsGuanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor
GEFOrganizations AcronymsGlobal Environment Facility
GEHChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Effective Hamiltonian
GEIAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Emissions Inventory Activity
GEIAChemistry AcronymsGlobal Emissions Inventory Assessment
GEISChemistry AcronymsGeneric Environmental Impact Statement
GEISAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsManagement And Study Of Atmospheric Spectroscopic Information
GEKChemistry AcronymsGeomagnetic Electrokinetograph
GEKTChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Extended Koopmans Theorem
GELUncategorized AcronymsGeorgian Lari (ISO 4217 Currency Code) - Gilbert And Ellice Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1977)
GEMAstronomy AcronymsGiotto Extended Mission
GEMAstronomy AcronymsGraphite Epoxy Motor
GEMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Environmental Multiscale Model
GEMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeospace Environment Modeling Program
GEMChemistry AcronymsGas Electron Multiplier
GEMChemistry AcronymsGene Expression Microarray
GEMChemistry AcronymsGenetically Engineered Microorganism
GEMAUncategorized AcronymsGas And Electricity Markets Authority - Georgia Emergency Management Agency -Gesellschaft Fr Musikalische Auffhrungs- Und Mechanische Vervielf?ltigungsrechte (German Performance Rights Organisation) -Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance
GEMAPChemistry AcronymsGeocoded Emission Modeling And Projection
GEMIChemistry AcronymsGlobal Environmental Management Initiative
GEMINIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeneral Mesonetwork Interpolation Interface
GEMLChemistry AcronymsGene Expression Markup Language
GEMMAChemistry AcronymsGas-phase Electrophoretic Mobility Molecular Analysis
GEMPAKAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeneral Meteorological Package
GEMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Environment Monitoring System
GEMSChemistry AcronymsGlobal Environmental Monitoring Systems
GEMSChemistry AcronymsGraphical Exposure Modeling System
GEMSChemistry AcronymsGeneral Energy And Material Balance System [model]
GENNASA AcronymsGenerate
GENUncategorized AcronymsFull General (four Stars) In The U.S. Army
GENUS Military AcronymsGenerator
GENESISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Environmental And Ecological Simulation Of Interactive Systems
GENESISChemistry AcronymsGlobal Environmental And Ecological Simulation Of Interactive Systems
GENOPAUSENASA AcronymsGeodetic Satellite In Polar Geosynchronous Orbit
GENPROAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeneral Processor
GEOAstronomy AcronymsGeosynchronous Earth Orbit
GEOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeosciences Directorate
GEOChemistry AcronymsGene Expression Omnibus
GEOChemistry AcronymsGeostationary Earth Orbit
GEOUncategorized AcronymsGeostationary Earth Orbit -Georgia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
GEO 2000Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Science Foundation's Geosciences Beyond 2000
GEODNASA AcronymsGeodetic
GEODSSAstronomy AcronymsGround-based Electro-optical Deep-space Surveillance System
GEOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeostationary Earth-Orbiting Satellite
GEOSChemistry AcronymsGeneral Earthquake Observation System
GEOSChemistry AcronymsGoddard Earth Observing System
GEOSUncategorized AcronymsGraphical Environment Operating System
GEOSATAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeodesy Satellite
GEOSATSatellite Meterology AcronymsGEOdetic SATellite
GEOSECSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeochemical Ocean Sections
GEOSECSChemistry AcronymsGeochemical Ocean Sections
GEOSEPSNASA AcronymsGeneral Summary Edit Program
GEOSEPSNASA AcronymsGeosynchronous Solar Electric Propulsion Stage
GEOSIFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeoscientific Information Framework
GEOSYNCHRONNASA AcronymsGeosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellite
GEPChemistry AcronymsGood Engineering Practice

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