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Acronyms starting with G Page 10

 Acronym Category Meaning
GMLNASA AcronymsGeGMLGeneral Measurement Loop
GMLUncategorized AcronymsGame Maker Language - Generalized Markup Language - Geography Markup Language - Graph Modelling Language - Graphical Motion Language - GUI Markup Language
GMMCNASA AcronymsGrGMMCGround Master Measurements List
GMNNASA AcronymsGoGMNGorman (TACAN Station)
GMOChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Molecular Orbital
GMOChemistry AcronymsGenetically Modified Organism
GMOChemistry AcronymsGroup Molecular Orbital
GMOUncategorized AcronymsGenetically Modified Organism
GMPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGround Water Monitoring Plan
GMPChemistry AcronymsGood Manufacturing Practice
GMPChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Moeller-Plesset (perturbation Theory)
GMPChemistry AcronymsGuanosine 5'-monophosphate
GMP2Chemistry AcronymsGeneralized Moeller-Plesset Second-order (perturbation Theory)
GMPCSUncategorized AcronymsGlobal Mobile Personal Communications By Satellite
GMQDTChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory
GMRChemistry AcronymsGiant Magnetoresistance
GMRTAstronomy AcronymsGiant Meter-wave Radio Telescope
GMSAstronomy AcronymsGeostationary Meterological Satellite
GMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeostationary Meteorological Satellite
GMSChemistry AcronymsGlycerol Monostearate
GMSSatellite Meterology AcronymsGeostationary Meteorological Satellite
GMSUS Military AcronymsGas Management System
GMSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Multivariate Statistical Analysis
GMTAstronomy AcronymsGreenwich Mean Time
GMTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGreenwich Mean Time
GMTChemistry AcronymsGlass Mat Thermoplastic
GMTNASA AcronymsGrGMTGreenwich MeanTime
GMTNASA AcronymsGreenwich Mean Time
GMTSatellite Meterology AcronymsGreenwich Mean Time (repl. By UTC)
GMTUncategorized AcronymsGiant Magellan Telescope - Greenwich Mean Time
GMTUS Military AcronymsGreenwich Mean Time
GMTComputer And Internet AcronymsGreenwich Mean Time
GMTASMS Chat And Text AcronymsGreat Minds Think Alike
GMTAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGreat Minds Think Alike
GMTFTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGreat Minds Think For Themselves
GMUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGyro Mechanical Unit
GNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGround Network
GNNASA AcronymsGaGN Gain
GNUncategorized AcronymsGiganewton - Guinea (ISO 3166 Digram)
GNUncategorized AcronymsGuaran­ Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
GNSMS Chat And Text AcronymsGood Night
GNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGood Night
GN AND CAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGuidance
GN&CNASA AcronymsGuGN&CGuidance
GN&CNASA AcronymsGuidance
GN2NASA AcronymsGaGN2Gaseous Nitrogen
GN2NASA AcronymsGaseous Nitrogen
GNACHOChemistry AcronymsGravitationally Neg. Anomalous Compact Halo Object
GNASUncategorized AcronymsGrand National Archery Society
GNBUncategorized AcronymsGuinea-Bissau (ISO 3166 Trigram)
GNBLFYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGot Nothing But Love For You
GNCAstronomy AcronymsGuidance
GNCNASA AcronymsGuGNCGuidance And Navigation COmPuter
GNCFTSNASA AcronymsGNGNCFTSGN&C Flight Test Station
GNCISNASA AcronymsGNGNCISGN&C Integration Simulator
GNCSNASA AcronymsGuGNCSGuidance And Navi-oation Control System
GNDNASA AcronymsGrGNDGround
GNDNASA AcronymsC/0 GrGND C/0 Ground Checkout
GNDUS Military AcronymsGround
GNFUncategorized AcronymsGuinean Franc (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
GNISUS Govt. AcronymsGeographic Names Information System
GNLSEChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation
GNMAUS Govt. AcronymsGovernment National Mortgage Association
GNMPChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Nonlocal Model Potential
GNOChemistry AcronymsGeminal Natural Orbital
GNOCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGet Naked On Cam
GNOMEChemistry AcronymsGNU Object Modeling Environment
GNOMEUncategorized AcronymsGNU Network Object Model Environment
GNPChemistry AcronymsGross National Product
GNPNASA AcronymsGrGNPGross National Product
GNPOrganizations AcronymsGross National Product
GNPUncategorized AcronymsGross National Product
GNPBusiness And FinanceGross National Product
GNQUncategorized AcronymsEquatorial Guinea (ISO 3166 Trigram)
GNRHChemistry AcronymsGonadotropin Releasing Hormone
GNRHUncategorized AcronymsGonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
GNSDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGood Night Sweet Dreams
GNSSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGround Network Scheduling System
GNUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGNU's Not UNIX (a Recursive Acronym)
GNUUncategorized AcronymsGNU's Not Unix
GNUComputer And Internet AcronymsRecursive Acronym For ?GNU's Not Unix?
GNVPChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Newton Variational Principle
GOChemistry AcronymsGas Oil
GOChemistry AcronymsGaussian Overlap (approxn. In Mol. Calcns.)
GOChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Overlap
GONASA AcronymsGeGO General Order
GOUncategorized AcronymsGlorioso Islands (FIPS 10-4 Territory Code)
GOBusiness And FinanceGeneral Obligation Bond
GO-SCFChemistry AcronymsGaussian Orbital Self-consistent Field
GO2NASA AcronymsGaseous Oxygen
GOAUncategorized AcronymsGeneral Of The Army (United States Only) -Gun Owners Of America
GOAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Gone On Arrival (police Turn Up, Ambulance Turns Up, Fire Brigade Turns Up, Patient Doesn't)
GOALNASA AcronymsGrGOALGround Operations Aerospace Language
GOALSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System
GOASEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGulf Of Alaska Experiment
GOBIUS Army Acronyms (Slang)General Officer's Bright Idea - Usually Means The Opposite.
GOCNASA AcronymsGrGOCGround Operations Coordinator
GOCUncategorized AcronymsGeneral Officer Commanding
GOCANASA AcronymsGrGOCAGround Operations Control Area

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