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Acronyms starting with F Page 17

 Acronym Category Meaning
FRSChemistry AcronymsForced Rayleigh Scattering
FRSChemistry AcronymsForward Recoil Spectrometry
FRSUncategorized AcronymsFellow Of The Royal Society - U.S. Federal Reserve System
FRSUS Govt. AcronymsFederal Reserve System; Federal Relay Service
FRSUS Military AcronymsFleet Readiness Squadron
FRSAUncategorized AcronymsFellow Of The Royal Society Of Art
FRSIAstronomy AcronymsFlexible Reusable Surface Insulation
FRSINASA AcronymsFelt Reusable Surface Insulation
FRSINASA AcronymsFlexible Reusable Surface Insulation
FRSSChemistry AcronymsFederal Register Search System
FRSWChemistry AcronymsFinite Range Scattering Wave Function
FRTNASA AcronymsFlight Readiness Test
FRTNASA AcronymsFlight Readiness Training
FRTNASA AcronymsFrequencY ResponseTest
FRTIBUS Govt. AcronymsFederal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
FRTPChemistry AcronymsFiber-reinforced Thermoplastic
FRYUncategorized AcronymsFederal Republic Of Yugoslavia
FRYUncategorized AcronymsWest Frisian Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
FRZRNASA AcronymsFreezer
FSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFlight Segment
FSChemistry AcronymsFeasibility Study
FSNASA AcronymsFail To Sync
FSNASA AcronymsFail-Safe
FSNASA AcronymsFault Summary
FSNASA AcronymsFederal Specification
FSNASA AcronymsFire Suppression
FSNASA AcronymsFlight System
FSNASA AcronymsFreon Servicer
FSNASA AcronymsFull Scale
FSNASA AcronymsFunctional Schematic
FSNASA AcronymsFuselage Station
FSUncategorized AcronymsFemtosecond
FSUncategorized AcronymsFemtosiemens
FSUncategorized AcronymsFire Support (military) -French Southern And Antarctic Territories (FIPS 10-4 Territory Code)
FSUS Govt. AcronymsForest Service
FSUS Military AcronymsFinal Speed
FSUS Military AcronymsFraction Of Savings
FSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor Sale
FSAChemistry AcronymsFree And Saline Ammonia (e.g.
FSAUncategorized AcronymsFire Support Area - UK Food Standards Agency - Functional Solution Analysis
FSAUS Govt. AcronymsFarm Service Agency; Office Of Federal Student Aid
FSAANASA AcronymsFlight Simulator For Advanced Aircraft
FSBUncategorized AcronymsFederal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoi Federatsii (???????????? ??????? ????????????? ??????????? ??????????
FSBComputer Acronyms (Common)Frontside Bus
FSBOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor Sale By Owner
FSCChemistry AcronymsFluorescent Solar Concentrator
FSCNASA AcronymsFederal Stock Classification
FSCOrganizations AcronymsForest Stewardship Council
FSCUncategorized AcronymsFederal Supply Classification -Forest Stewardship Council (ecological Pressure Group)
FSCUS Military AcronymsFederal Supply Classification
FSCUS Military AcronymsFlight System Control
FSCCChemistry AcronymsFock Space Coupled Cluster
FSCEChemistry AcronymsFree-solution Capillary Electrophoresis
FSCLUncategorized AcronymsFire Support Co-ordination Line
FSCMNASA AcronymsFederal Supply Code For Manufacturers
FSCMUS Military AcronymsFederal Supply Code Manufacturers
FSCPNASA AcronymsFire Sensor Control Panel
FSCTChemistry AcronymsFederation Of Societies For Coatings Technology
FSCVChemistry AcronymsFast-scan Cyclic Voltammetry
FSDNASA AcronymsFlight Simulation Division (JSC)
FSDNASA AcronymsFull Scale Development
FSDUS Military AcronymsFull Scale Development
FSDRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFinal System Design Review
FSEChemistry AcronymsFast Spin Echo
FSENASA AcronymsFlight Simulation Engineer
FSEUncategorized AcronymsFire Support Element
FSEUS Military AcronymsFleet Supportability Evaluation
FSECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFlorida Solar Energy Center
FSFNASA AcronymsFirst Static Firing
FSFUncategorized AcronymsFree Software Foundation
FSGChemistry AcronymsFluorosilicate Glass
FSGFChemistry AcronymsFREEON Symmetric Group Formulation (of Hartree-Fock Theory)
FSGOChemistry AcronymsFloating Spherical Gaussian Orbital
FSGSNASA AcronymsFlare/Shallow Glide Slope
FSHChemistry AcronymsFollicle-stimulating Hormone
FSHUncategorized AcronymsFollicle Stimulating Hormone
FSHDHuman Genome AcronymsFacioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
FSINASA AcronymsFinal Systems Installation
FSIUncategorized AcronymsFuel Stratified Injection
FSIUS Military AcronymsFunctionally Significant Item
FSIMNASA AcronymsFunctional Simulator
FSISChemistry AcronymsFood Safety And Inspection Service
FSISUS Govt. AcronymsFood Safety And Inspection Service
FSIWGNASA AcronymsFlight System Interface Working Group
FSKAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFrequency Shift Key(ing)
FSKNASA AcronymsFrequency Shift Keyed (Keying)
FSKUncategorized AcronymsFederal'naya Sluzhba Kontrrazvedki (???????????? ??????? ??????????????
FSKUS Military AcronymsFrequency Shift Keying
FSKComputer And Internet AcronymsFrequency Shift Keying
FSLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsForecast Systems Laboratory
FSLNASA AcronymsFlight Systems Laboratory
FSLNASA AcronymsFlight Simulation Laboratory
FSLSatellite Meterology AcronymsForecast Systems Laboratory (a NOAA ERL)
FSLONASA AcronymsFirst Spacelab Payload
FSLTNASA AcronymsFirst Sea Level Test
FSMChemistry AcronymsFolded-sheet Mesoporous Material
FSMNASA AcronymsFuel Supply Module
FSMUncategorized AcronymsFederated States Of Micronesia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
FSMUS Military AcronymsFirmware Support Manual
FSMRCCChemistry AcronymsFock Space Multireference Coupled Cluster

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