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Acronyms starting with F Page 11

 Acronym Category Meaning
FLUncategorized AcronymsFemtolitre
FLUncategorized AcronymsFlorida (postal Symbol)
FLUS Military AcronymsFoot-lambert
FL1Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsFirst Flight Model
FL2Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsSecond Flight Model
FLAChemistry AcronymsFluorescence Lifetime Analysis
FLAUncategorized AcronymsFlorida -Front Line Assembly - Future Large Aircraft
FLASMS Chat And Text AcronymsFour-letter Acronym
FLAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFour Letter Acronym
FLAAChemistry AcronymsFlame Atomic Absorption
FLACUncategorized AcronymsFree Lossless Audio Codec.
FLAGEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFlexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment
FLAIRChemistry AcronymsFluid Attenuated Infrared Sequence
FLAIRChemistry AcronymsFluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery
FLAKUncategorized AcronymsFLugAbwehrKanone (German For Anti-Aircraft Guns)
FLAMBESatellite Meterology AcronymsFire Locating And Monitoring Of Burning Emissions
FLAPChemistry Acronyms5-lipoxygenase-activating Protein
FLAPNASA AcronymsFlight Application Software
FLAPWChemistry AcronymsFull-potential Linearized Augmented Plane Wave
FLASHChemistry AcronymsFast Low-angle Shot (NMR Imaging)
FLASHChemistry AcronymsFluorescent Airborne Stratospheric Hygrometer
FLATAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFull Look At Turbulent Kinetic Energy
FLBUncategorized AcronymsForward Logistics Base
FLBMedical Acronyms (Slang)Funny Little Bumps (unexplained Skin Bumps)
FLCChemistry AcronymsFerroelec. Liq. Crystal
FLCNASA AcronymsFederal Library Committee
FLCNASA AcronymsForward Load Control
FLCUS Govt. AcronymsFederal Laboratory Consortium
FLCANASA AcronymsForward Load Controller Assembly
FLCAOChemistry AcronymsFactorized LCAO
FLCDChemistry AcronymsFerroelectric Liquid Crystal Display
FLDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFirst Level Destination
FLDChemistry AcronymsForming Limit Diagram
FLDNASA AcronymsField
FLDAChemistry AcronymsFuzzy Linear Discriminant Analysis
FLEETEXUS Military AcronymsFleet Exercise
FLETUncategorized AcronymsForward Line Of Enemy Troops
FLETCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFederal Law Enforcement Training Center
FLETCUS Govt. AcronymsFederal Law Enforcement Training Center
FLEXNASA AcronymsFlexible
FLGNASA AcronymsFlag
FLGNASA AcronymsFlange
FLIMChemistry AcronymsFluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
FLIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFloating Instrument Platform
FLIPChemistry AcronymsFLICE-inhibitory Protein
FLIPUncategorized AcronymsFlight Information Publication
FLIPRChemistry AcronymsFluorescent Imaging Plate Reader
FLIRChemistry AcronymsForward-looking Infrared
FLIRUncategorized AcronymsForward Looking InfraRed (sensor)
FLIRUS Military AcronymsForward Looking Infrared
FLISAChemistry AcronymsFluorescence-linked Immunosorbent Assay
FLKUncategorized AcronymsFalkland Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Funny-Looking Kid (medical Diagnosis In-joke)
FLKMedical Acronyms (Slang)Funny Looking Kid (sometimes Suggests Rural Inbreeding - See FLP)
FLK W/ GLMMedical Acronyms (Slang)Funny Looking Kid With A Good Looking Mother
FLKBCOTPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Funny Looking Kid But Check Out The Parents
FLLKNASA AcronymsFrustum Lifting Lug Kit
FLMPAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFederal Land Management Policy Act
FLMSChemistry AcronymsFemtosecond Laser Mass Spectrometry
FLMTOChemistry AcronymsFilm Linearized Muffin-tin Orbital (for Surface Electronic Structure Calcns.)
FLNChemistry AcronymsFluorescence Line Narrowing
FLNNASA AcronymsFuel Line
FLNSChemistry AcronymsFluorescence Line-narrowing Spectroscopy
FLOChemistry AcronymsFace Localized Orbital
FLOLSUS Military AcronymsFresnel Lens Optical Landing System
FLOPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFloating Point Operations
FLOPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFloating Point Operations Per Second
FLOPSComputer Acronyms (Common)Floating Point Operations Per Second
FLOPSComputer And Internet AcronymsFloating-point Operations Per Second
FLOTNASA AcronymsFlotation
FLOTUncategorized AcronymsForward Line Of Own Troops
FLOTUS Army Acronyms (Official)Forward Line Of Own Troops
FLOWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFAA/Lincoln Laboratory Operational Weather Studies
FLPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRelocating Floating Point Interpreter
FLPNASA AcronymsFlap
FLPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Funny Looking Parents (hereditary Cause Suspected For FLK)
FLPMAChemistry AcronymsFederal Land Policy And Management Act
FLPSNASA AcronymsFlight Load Preparation System
FLQUncategorized AcronymsFront De Lib?ration Du Qu?bec (French For Qu?bec Liberation Front)
FLRNASA AcronymsFailure
FLRNASA AcronymsFlare
FLRUS Military AcronymsField Level Repairable
FLRUS Military AcronymsFlare
FLRAUS Govt. AcronymsFederal Labor Relations Authority
FLSNASA AcronymsFlight Surgeon
FLSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFair Labor Standards Act
FLSCNASA AcronymsFlexible Linear Shaped Charge
FLTNASA AcronymsFlight
FLTNASA AcronymsFloating
FLTUS Military AcronymsFlight
FLTNOUS Military AcronymsFlight Number
FLTOPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFederal Lease To Ownership Program
FLTRNASA AcronymsFilter
FLTRUS Military AcronymsFilter
FLTSATUncategorized AcronymsFleet Satellite
FLTSATCOMNASA AcronymsFleet Satellite Communications
FLTSATCOMUncategorized AcronymsFleet Satellite Communication System
FLUBOSUncategorized AcronymsFat
FLUFMedical Acronyms (Slang)Funny Little Ugly F*cker
FLUIDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsF*cking Look It Up, I Did
FLUIDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMELPROG Subcode

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