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Acronyms starting with F Page 10

 Acronym Category Meaning
FIMChemistry AcronymsFriable Insulation Material
FIMUS Military AcronymsFramework Information Model
FIM-APSChemistry AcronymsField Ion Microscopy-atom Probe Spectroscopy
FIMDAChemistry AcronymsFluorescence Intensity Multiple Distributions Analysis
FIMPTUncategorized AcronymsFellow Of The Institute Of Maxillofacial Prosthetists And Technologists
FIMSChemistry AcronymsFine-split IR Multispectral Scanner (for Remote Sensing)
FIMSChemistry AcronymsField Ionization Mass Spectrometry
FINUncategorized AcronymsFinland (ISO 3166 Trigram)
FINUncategorized AcronymsFinnish Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
FINAUncategorized AcronymsF?d?ration Internationale De Natation (French
FINCENUS Govt. AcronymsFinancial Crimes Enforcement Network
FINDSChemistry AcronymsFacilities Index Data System
FINEMedical Acronyms (Slang)F*cked Up , Insecure, Neurotic & Emotional
FINEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsF*cked Up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional
FINESChemistry AcronymsFurnace Ionization Nonthermal Excitation Spectrometry
FINSChemistry AcronymsForensically Informative Nucleotide Sequencing
FIONASA AcronymsFurnished And Installed By Others
FIOHChemistry AcronymsFinnish Institute Of Occupational Health
FIORChemistry AcronymsFluid Iron Ore Reduction
FIOSComputer Acronyms (Common)Fiber Optic Service
FIPChemistry AcronymsFirst Ionization Potential
FIPChemistry AcronymsFlow Injection Potentiometry
FIPChemistry AcronymsFull Intra-pair (spin-coupling) (wave Function)
FIPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFederal Information Processing Standard
FIPSChemistry AcronymsFederal Information Processing Standard
FIPSUncategorized AcronymsFederal Information Processing Standard
FIPSUS Govt. AcronymsFederal Information Processing Standard
FIPSUS Military AcronymsFederal Information Processing Standards
FIRAstronomy AcronymsFar InfraRed
FIRNASA AcronymsFuel Indicating Reading
FIRUncategorized AcronymsFinal Inspection Report
FIRUS Military AcronymsFlight Incident Recorder
FIRASAstronomy AcronymsFar InfraRed Absolute Spectrophotometer
FIREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFirst ISLSCP Regional Experiment
FIREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFirst ISCCP Radiation Experiment
FIREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFast Imaging Ranicon Experiment
FIREChemistry AcronymsFlame Infrared Emission
FIRE-ACEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFirst ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Program
FIREBRANDUS Military AcronymsAnti Ship Missile Target
FIRFChemistry AcronymsFinite Impulse Response Filter
FIRFTChemistry AcronymsFast Inversion-recovery Fourier Transform
FIRMRChemistry AcronymsFederal Information Resources Management Regulations
FIRSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFourier Transform Infrared Sounder
FIRSTChemistry AcronymsField-portable Imaging Radiometric Spectrometer Technology
FIRSTChemistry AcronymsFaint Images Of The Radio Sky At Twenty Centimeters
FIRSTChemistry AcronymsFar Infrared And Submillimetre Space Telescope
FIRTMedical Acronyms (Slang)Failed Impact Resistance Test (crash Victim)
FISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFinancial Information System
FISChemistry AcronymsField Ion Spectroscopy
FISNASA AcronymsFacility Interface Sheets
FISUncategorized AcronymsF?d?ration Internationale De Ski (French International Ski Federation)
FISAUncategorized AcronymsF?d?ration Internationale Des Soci?t?s D'Aviron (French
FISCIChemistry AcronymsFinal Ionic State Configuration Interaction
FISHChemistry AcronymsFluorescence In Situ Hybridization
FISHHuman Genome AcronymsFluorescence In Situ Hybridization
FISHUncategorized AcronymsFluorescence In-Situ Hybridisation
FISHSMS Chat And Text AcronymsFirst In, Still Here
FISHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFirst In, Still Here
FISHDOUS Army Acronyms (Slang)F*ck It, Shit Happens, Drive On (military Equivalent Of "par For The Course.")
FISPChemistry AcronymsFast Imaging With Steady-state Precession
FISTUncategorized AcronymsFire Support Team
FITChemistry AcronymsField Investigation Team (US EPA)
FITChemistry AcronymsFlow Injection Titration
FITNASA AcronymsFault Isolation Test
FITMedical Acronyms (Slang)Fart In Transit (gas Seen In The Intestines On An Abdominal Film)
FITBSMS Chat And Text AcronymsFill In The Blanks
FITBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFill In The Blanks
FITCChemistry AcronymsFluorescein Isothiocyanate
FITHNASA AcronymsFire-in-the-Hole
FITHMedical Acronyms (Slang)F*cked In The Head
FITSAstronomy AcronymsFlexible Image Transport System
FITSUncategorized AcronymsFlexible Image Transport System
FIUUncategorized AcronymsFlorida International University
FIVChemistry AcronymsFeline Immunodeficiency Virus
FIVNASA AcronymsFuel Isolation Valve
FIVRSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFinancial Information Variance Reporting System
FJUncategorized AcronymsFemtojoule
FJUncategorized AcronymsFiji (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
FJUncategorized AcronymsFijian Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
FJAGUS Military AcronymsFramework Joint Activity Group
FJCUS Govt. AcronymsFederal Judicial Center
FJDUncategorized AcronymsFiji Dollar (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
FJIUncategorized AcronymsFiji (ISO 3166 Trigram)
FKChemistry AcronymsFish Kill (file Within STORET)
FKUncategorized AcronymsFalkland Islands (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Territory Code)
FKUncategorized AcronymsFemtokelvin
FKBNASA AcronymsFlight Display Keyboard
FKBPChemistry AcronymsFK506 Binding Protein
FKNChemistry AcronymsField-Koros-Noyes (mechanism)
FKOChemistry AcronymsFranz-Keldish Oscillations
FKPUncategorized AcronymsFalkland Islands Pound (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
FKSMUncategorized AcronymsFort Knox Supplemental Manual
FLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFoothills Laboratory
FLNASA AcronymsFail
FLNASA AcronymsFault Identification
FLNASA AcronymsFeed Lines
FLNASA AcronymsFlowline
FLNASA AcronymsForward Link
FLNASA AcronymsMECH Fluid Mechanical
FLUncategorized AcronymsFloruit (Latin

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