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Acronyms starting with E Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
EFTONASA AcronymsEncrypted For Transmission Only
EFVChemistry AcronymsElectric-field-variant Function (in CI Method)
EFVUncategorized AcronymsExpeditionary Fighting Vehicle
EFV GTOChemistry AcronymsElectric-field-variant Gaussian-type Orbital
EFV STOChemistry AcronymsElectric-field-variant Slater-type Orbital
EFVAOChemistry AcronymsElectric-field Variant Atomic Orbital
EGChatting AcronymsEvil Grin
EGChemistry AcronymsEthylene Glycol
EGNASA AcronymsEntry Guidance
EGUncategorized AcronymsEgypt (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
EGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsEvil Grin
EGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsEvil Grin
EG&GAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInc.
EGAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnhanced Graphics Adapter
EGAChemistry AcronymsEvolved Gas Analysis
EGANASA AcronymsEvolved Gas Analysis
EGAComputer And Internet AcronymsEnhanced Graphics Adapter
EGAMSChemistry AcronymsEvolved Gas Analysis Mass Spectroscopy
EGBDChemistry AcronymsExtrinsic Grain Boundary Dislocation
EGBUSUncategorized AcronymsExternal Genitalia
EGCNASA AcronymsExperiments Ground Computer
EGCGChemistry AcronymsEpigallocatechin Gallate
EGCGUncategorized AcronymsEpiGalloCatechin-3-Gallate
EGCIChemistry AcronymsExponentially Generated Configuration Interaction
EGCMChemistry AcronymsEddy-Resolving General Circulation Model
EGCRChemistry AcronymsExperimental Gas-cooled Reactor
EGCSUS Military AcronymsEnvironmental Generation & Control System
EGDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEffluent Guidelines Division
EGDChemistry AcronymsEvolved Gas Detection
EGDNChemistry AcronymsEthylene Glycol Dinitrate
EGFChemistry AcronymsEpidermal Growth Factor
EGFNASA AcronymsElectrical
EGFPChemistry AcronymsEnhanced Green Fluorescent Protein
EGFRChemistry AcronymsEpidermal Growth Factor Receptor
EGILNASA AcronymsElectrical
EGISUncategorized AcronymsErieye Ground Interface Segment
EGMChemistry AcronymsElectron Gas Model
EGOChemistry AcronymsEllipsoidal Gaussian Orbital
EGOChemistry AcronymsExhaust Gas Oxygen
EGPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExterior Gateway Protocol
EGPChemistry AcronymsEvolved Gas Profile
EGPUncategorized AcronymsEgyptian Pound (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
EGRChemistry AcronymsExhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRETAstronomy AcronymsEnergetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope
EGRETChemistry AcronymsEnergetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope
EGRETNASA AcronymsEnergetic Gamma Ray Explorer Telescope
EGRETUncategorized AcronymsEnergetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope
EGRISChemistry AcronymsEmissive Gamma-ray Imaging And Spectroscopy
EGRSNASA AcronymsEgress
EGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEuropean Geophysical Society
EGSChemistry AcronymsEchelle Grating Spectrometer
EGSBChemistry AcronymsExpanded Granular Sludge Bed
EGSEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectronic Ground Support Equipment
EGSENASA AcronymsElectrical Ground Support Equipment
EGTNASA AcronymsElapsed GroundTime
EGTNASA AcronymsEstimated Ground Time
EGTNASA AcronymsExhaust Gas Temperature
EGTUS Military AcronymsExhaust Gas Temperature
EGTAChemistry AcronymsEthylene Glycol Bis(2-aminoethyl Ether)-N
EGTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectron Gun Test Facility
EGUChemistry AcronymsEuropean Geosciences Union
EGUNNASA AcronymsFast Pulse Electron Gun
EGWChemistry AcronymsElectrogas Welding
EGYUncategorized AcronymsEgypt (ISO 3166 Trigram)
EHAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOxidation Potential
EHAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAssistant Secretary For Environment
EHChemistry AcronymsExtended Hueckel
EHUncategorized AcronymsExahenry - Western Sahara (ISO 3166 Digram)
EH/MNASA AcronymsExtension Hose/Moi!thpiece
EHAPChemistry AcronymsExtremely Hazardous Air Pollutant
EHBChemistry AcronymsExtended Hubbard (hamiltonian)
EHCChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Health Committee
EHCNASA AcronymsElectrical Heating Control
EHCOChemistry AcronymsExtended Hueckel Crystal Orbital
EHECChemistry AcronymsEnterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli
EHFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExtremely High Frequency
EHFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExtremely High Frequency
EHFChemistry AcronymsExtended Hartree-Fock
EHFNASA AcronymsExtremely HighFrequency
EHFUncategorized AcronymsExtremely High Frequency
EHLSChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Health Laboratory Sciences
EHMChemistry AcronymsExtended Hubbard Model (hamiltonian)
EHMIChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Hazards Management Institute
EHMOChemistry AcronymsExtended Hueckel Molecular Orbital
EHNChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Health Network
EHOTNASA AcronymsExternal Hydrogen/Oxygen Tank
EHPChemistry AcronymsElectron-hole Plasma
EHPChemistry AcronymsElectron-hole Potential Method
EHPNASA AcronymsEffectiveHorsepower
EHPNASA AcronymsElectrical Horsepower
EHPUS Govt. AcronymsEnvironmental Health Perspectives
EHRNASA AcronymsEarned Hour Ratio
EHRUncategorized AcronymsEquipment History Record
EHSChemistry AcronymsEnvironment
EHSChemistry AcronymsExtremely Hazardous Substance
EHSNASA AcronymsEnvironmental Health Services
EHSOChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Health And Safety Online
EHTChemistry AcronymsExtended Hueckel Theory
EHVUS Military AcronymsElectro Hydraulic Valve
EHWChemistry AcronymsExtremely Hazardous Waste

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