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Acronyms starting with D Page 21

 Acronym Category Meaning
DTCChemistry AcronymsDifferential Thermal Calorimetry
DTCUS Military AcronymsData Transfer Cartridge
DTCUS Military AcronymsDesign To Cost
DTCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDeep, Throaty Chuckle
DTCCBusiness And FinanceDepository Trust & Clearing Corporation
DTCIChemistry Acronyms3,3'-diethylthiacarbocyanine Iodide
DTDUncategorized AcronymsDigital Terrain Data
DTDUS Military AcronymsDocument Tag Description
DTDComputer Acronyms (Common)Document Type Definition
DTDComputer And Internet AcronymsDocument Type Definition
DTDAChemistry AcronymsDifferential Thermal Desorption Analysis
DTDMAUS Military AcronymsDistributed Time Division Multiple Access
DTDMACChemistry AcronymsDitallowdimethylammonium Cation [surfactant]
DTDPChemistry AcronymsDitridecyl Phthalate
DTEUncategorized AcronymsData Terminal Equipment - Down To Earth
DTEUS Military AcronymsData Terminal Equipment
DTEUS Military AcronymsData Transfer Equipment
DTEUS Military AcronymsDevelopmental Test Equipment
DTEComputer And Internet AcronymsData Termination (Terminal) Equipment
DTEDUncategorized AcronymsDigital Terrain Elevation Data (dee-ted)
DTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Test Facility
DTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDevelopment And Test Facility
DTF3Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsDiagnostic Turbulent Flux Algorithm
DTF3.1Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsSame As DTF3
DTFBRChemistry AcronymsDraft Tube Fluidized Bed Reactor
DTGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Time Group
DTGChemistry AcronymsDifferential Thermogravimetry
DTGUncategorized AcronymsDate-Time Group
DTGFChemistry AcronymsDouble-time Green Function
DTGSChemistry AcronymsDeuterated Triglycine Sulfate
DTHUncategorized AcronymsDirect To Home (television)
DTIUncategorized AcronymsUK Department Of Trade And Industry
DTICAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Technical Information Center
DTICUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Defense Technical Information Center
DTICUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Technical Information Center
DTICUS Military AcronymsDefense Technical Information Center
DTLChemistry AcronymsDrift Tube Linac
DTLUncategorized AcronymsDiode-Transistor Logic (electronics)
DTLUS Military AcronymsData-time Logged
DTLOMSUncategorized AcronymsDoctrine
DTLRBusiness And FinanceDepartment Of Transport, Local Government And The Regions
DTMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDigital Terrain Map
DTMAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Don't Transfer To Me Again.
DTMRChemistry AcronymsDiffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance
DTOUncategorized AcronymsDisruptive Technology Office (was ARDA)
DTOMLSUncategorized AcronymsDoctrine
DTPChemistry AcronymsDevelopmental Therapeutics Program
DTPChemistry AcronymsDiphtheria
DTPNASA AcronymsDetail Test Plan
DTPAChemistry AcronymsDiethylenetriamine Pentaacetic Acid
DTPMPChemistry AcronymsDiethylenetriaminopenta(methylenephosphonic Acid)
DTPRNASA AcronymsDetailed Test Procedures
DTRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDevelopment And Test Resource
DTRChemistry AcronymsDiffusion Transfer Reversal
DTRMedical AcronymsDeep Tendon Reflex
DTRUS Military AcronymsData Terminal Ready
DTRUS Military AcronymsDigital Tape Recorder
DTRAChemistry AcronymsDefense Threat Reduction Agency
DTRAUncategorized AcronymsDefense Threat Reduction Agency (deet-ra)
DTRAUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Threat Reduction Agency
DTRCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDavid Taylor Research Center
DTRCUS Military AcronymsDavid Taylor Research Center
DTRDNASA AcronymsDevelopment Test Requirements Document
DTRTSMS Chat And Text AcronymsDo The Right Thing
DTRTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDo The Right Thing
DTSChemistry AcronymsDiametral Tensile Strength
DTSNASA AcronymsData Transfer System
DTSNASA AcronymsData Transmission System
DTSUS Military AcronymsData Transfer System
DTSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Danger To Shipping (in Reference To Particularly Large Patients)
DTSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Technology Security Administration
DTSAUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Defense Technology Security Administration
DTSCChemistry AcronymsDifferential Temperature Scanning Calorimeter
DTUUS Military AcronymsData Transfer Unit
DTULChemistry AcronymsDeflection Temperature Under Load
DUChemistry AcronymsDobson Units
DUNASA AcronymsDisplay Unit
DUNASA AcronymsDisplay Unit
DUUncategorized AcronymsDepleted Uranium -Dust (METAR Code)
DUANASA AcronymsDigital Uplink Assembly
DUBMedical Acronyms (Slang)Damn Ugly Baby
DUCNASA AcronymsDigital Uplink Command
DUDFCDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDenver Urban Drainage And Flood Control District
DUIUncategorized AcronymsData Use Identifier - Data Use Institute - Davis Unified Ignition - Diving Unlimited International - Documento ?nico De Identidad - Documento Unico De Importaci›n - Driving Under The Influence - Duke University Improv
DUIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDriving Under The Influence
DULTIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsUniversity Of Denver Low Turbulence Inlet
DUMNASA AcronymsDummy
DUMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDo You Masturbate?
DUNComputer And Internet AcronymsDial-Up Networking
DUNAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Use No Acronyms
DUOFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepleted Uranium Oxide Facility
DUPLXNASA AcronymsDuplex
DUPLXRNASA AcronymsDuplexer
DURNASA AcronymsDuration
DUR?Text Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDo You Remember?
DURSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDamn You Are Sexy
DUSDUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Deputy Under-Secretary Of Defense
DUSLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDo You Scream Loud?
DUSTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDid You See That
DUTChemistry AcronymsDevice Under Test

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