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Acronyms starting with D Page 18

 Acronym Category Meaning
DPTUS Military AcronymsDeployable Proficiency Trainer
DPUMPNChemistry AcronymsDouble-annihilation Procedure Unrestricted Moeller-Plesset Nth-order
DPUPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Poop Your Pants
DPVChemistry AcronymsDifferential-pulse Voltammetry
DPVSCUBA Diving AcronymsDiver Propulsion Vehicle
DPYNASA AcronymsDeploy
DQAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDirector Of Quality
DQChemistry AcronymsDrawing Quality
DQUncategorized AcronymsDairy Queen -Jarvis Island (FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
DQMedical Acronyms (Slang)Drama Queen
DQ-MBPTChemistry AcronymsDouble And Quadruple Excitation Diagrams In Many-body Perturbation Theory
DQ-RSPTChemistry AcronymsDouble And Quadruple Excitation Diagrams In Rayleigh-Schroedinger Perturbation Theory
DQAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Quality Assessment
DQCChemistry AcronymsDecagonal Quasicrystal
DQCChemistry AcronymsDouble Quantum Coherence
DQFCOSYChemistry AcronymsDouble-quantum-filtered Correlation Spectroscopy
DQMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Quality Monitor
DQMCChemistry AcronymsDiffusion Quantum Monte Carlo (method In Atom And Mol. Calcns.)
DQMOTSMS Chat And Text AcronymsDon't Quote Me On This
DQMOTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Quote Me On This
DQOChemistry AcronymsData Quality Objectives
DQSKChemistry AcronymsDrawing Quality Special Killed
DQTChemistry AcronymsDissipative Quantum Tunneling (theory)
DQWChemistry AcronymsDouble Quantum Well
DQYDJText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Quit Your Day Job
DRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDiscrepancy Report
DRNASA AcronymsDead Reckoning
DRUncategorized AcronymsDead Reckoning -Dominican Republic (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Danmarks Radio (Danish Broadcasting Corporation)
DRUS Military AcronymsDiscrepancy Report
DRUS Military AcronymsDoor
DRBusiness And FinanceThe Daily Reckoning
DR-RWAChemistry AcronymsDominant Resonance-rotating Wave Approximation
DRAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Research & Applications
DRANASA AcronymsData Release Authorization
DRAUncategorized AcronymsDefence Research Agency (UK
DRAAGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDesign Review And Acceptance Group
DRAGNUncategorized AcronymsDouble Radio Source Active Galactic Nucleus (dragon)
DRAMChemistry AcronymsDynamic Random Access Memory
DRAMUncategorized AcronymsDynamic Random Access Memory (dee-ram) (computing)
DRAMUS Military AcronymsDynamic Random Access Memory
DRAMComputer Acronyms (Common)Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRAMComputer And Internet AcronymsDynamic Random Access Memory
DRAMAChemistry AcronymsDipolar Restoration At The Magic Angle
DRAMAUS Military AcronymsDigital Radio And Multiplexer Acquisition
DRAOAstronomy AcronymsDominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
DRAWChemistry AcronymsDigital Read After Write
DRAWSChemistry AcronymsDipolar Recoupling With A Windowless Sequence
DRBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDesign Review Board
DRBNASA AcronymsDesign Requirements Baseline
DRBNASA AcronymsDesign Review Board
DRBUS Military AcronymsDefense Resource Board
DRCChemistry AcronymsDynamic Reaction Cell
DRCChemistry AcronymsDose Response Curve
DRCNASA AcronymsData Reduction Center
DRCNASA AcronymsDiscrete Rate Command
DRCUncategorized AcronymsDemocratic Republic Of The Congo
DRCRChemistry AcronymsDynamic Recrystallization Controlled Rolling
DRDNASA AcronymsData Requirement Description
DRDNASA AcronymsData Requirements Document
DRDNASA AcronymsDetailedRequirementsDocument
DRDNASA AcronymsDocument Requirement Description
DRDUS Military AcronymsData Requirements Description
DRD&DAAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Research
DRDCUncategorized AcronymsDefence Research & Development Canada
DREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Research And Engineering
DREChemistry AcronymsDestruction Removal Efficiency
DREAUncategorized AcronymsDefence Research Establishment Atlantic (obsolete 2002)
DREDChemistry AcronymsDual Recursive Deconvolution
DRESChemistry AcronymsDietary Risk Evaluation System
DRESUncategorized AcronymsDefence Research Establishment Suffield (obsolete 2002)
DRESSChemistry AcronymsDepth-resolved Surface-coil Spectroscopy
DRETUncategorized AcronymsDefence Research Establishment Toronto (obsolete 2002)
DREVUncategorized AcronymsDefence Research Establishment Valcartier (obsolete 2002)
DRFChemistry AcronymsDirect Reaction Field (for Intermol. Interactions)
DRFChemistry AcronymsDose Reduction Factor
DRFNASA AcronymsDigital
DRFNASA AcronymsData RequestForm
DRFNASA AcronymsDocumentationRequisitionForm
DRFMChemistry AcronymsDigital Radio-frequency Memory
DRGChemistry AcronymsDorsal Root Ganglion
DRGNASA AcronymsDigital Ranging Generator
DRGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDirect Read-out Ground Station
DRIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Research Internet
DRIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDesert Research Institute
DRIChemistry AcronymsDifferential Refractive Index
DRIChemistry AcronymsDirect Reduced Iron
DRINASA AcronymsData Rate Indicator
DRIUncategorized AcronymsDetection
DRIBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Read If Busy
DRICUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Defense Research Information Center
DRIEChemistry AcronymsDeep Reactive Ion Etching
DRIFTChemistry AcronymsDiffuse Reflectance IR Fourier Transform
DRIFTSChemistry AcronymsDiffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
DRIPSSChemistry AcronymsDrinking Water Information Processing Support System
DRIRUNASA AcronymsDry Rotor Inertial Reference Unit
DRISChemistry AcronymsDouble Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy
DRKNASA AcronymsDisplay Request Keyboard
DRLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDeliverables Requirement List
DRLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Requirements List
DRLNASA AcronymsData Requirements List

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