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Acronyms starting with D Page 17

 Acronym Category Meaning
DPNASA AcronymsDesign Proof
DPNASA AcronymsDevelopment Phase
DPNASA AcronymsDifferential Pressure
DPNASA AcronymsDouble Pole
DPNASA AcronymsDouble Precision
DPUncategorized AcronymsDecision Point - Dynamic Programming
DPUncategorized AcronymsDivision De Production (Algerian Petroleum Company)
DPUS Military AcronymsDevelopment Proposal
DPUS Military AcronymsDisplay Processor
DPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDomestic Partner
DP&SNASA AcronymsData And Software
DP&SSNASA AcronymsData Processing And Software Subsystem
DP/DTNASA AcronymsDelta Pressure/delta Time
DP/DTNASA AcronymsDelta Pressure/Delta Time
DPAChemistry AcronymsDipicolinic Acid
DPAChemistry AcronymsDestructive Physical Analysis
DPAChemistry AcronymsDifferential Pulse Amperometry
DPAChemistry AcronymsDisplacement Per Atom
DPANASA AcronymsData Processing Assembly
DPAUncategorized AcronymsUK Defence Procurement Agency
DPASVChemistry AcronymsDifferential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
DPAVChemistry AcronymsDifferential Pulse Adsorption Voltammetry
DPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDLESE Program Center
DPCChemistry AcronymsDifferential Phase Contrast
DPCChemistry AcronymsDifferential Photocalorimetry
DPCUS Govt. AcronymsDomestic Policy Council
DPCIChemistry AcronymsDerwent Patents Citation Index
DPCILOChemistry AcronymsDifferential Perturbative Configuration Interaction Using Localized Orbitals
DPCOUncategorized AcronymsDouble-Pole Change Over
DPCSVChemistry AcronymsDifferential Pulse Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry
DPDChemistry AcronymsDiethyl-p-phenylenediamine (test For Chlorine In Water) [93-05-0]
DPDCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Processing And Distribution Center
DPDTUncategorized AcronymsDouble-Pole Double-Throw
DPEChemistry AcronymsDual-phase Extraction
DPETUS Military AcronymsData Processing Equip Trnr (trident-11b101)
DPFChemistry AcronymsDiesel Particulate Filter
DPFChemistry AcronymsDense Plasma Focus
DPFCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Program Field Council
DPFGSEChemistry AcronymsDouble Pulse Field Gradient Spin Echo
DPGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDahlgren Proving Ground
DPHAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDew-point Hygrometer
DPHChemistry AcronymsDiamond Pyramid Hardness
DPINASA AcronymsDetail Program Interrelationships
DPIComputer Acronyms (Common)Dots Per Inch
DPIComputer And Internet AcronymsDots Per Inch
DPIAChemistry AcronymsDigital Printing And Imaging Association
DPICMUncategorized AcronymsDual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition
DPICMUS Army Acronyms (Official) Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (i.e.
DPKOUncategorized AcronymsUN Department For Peacekeeping Operations
DPLUS Govt. AcronymsDenied Persons List
DPMAstronomy AcronymsDrop Physics Module
DPMChemistry AcronymsDisintegrations Per Minutepar
DPMNASA AcronymsDual Port Memory
DPMBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Programs Management Board
DPMIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOS Protected Mode Interface
DPMIComputer And Internet AcronymsDOS Protected Mode Interface
DPMOUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Defense Prisoner Of War/Missing Personnel Office
DPMOUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Prisoner Of War/Missing Personnel Office
DPNChemistry AcronymsDip-pen Nanolithography
DPNNASA AcronymsL Distribution Panel
DPPChemistry AcronymsDifferential-pulse Polarography
DPPChemistry AcronymsDual Purpose Plant
DPPNASA AcronymsDiscrete Registe
DPPNASA AcronymsData Processing And Software
DPPNASA AcronymsData Processing Software System
DPPNASA AcronymsData Processing System (Subsystern)
DPPNASA AcronymsData Requirements And AnalYsis
DPPNASA AcronymsDefinition Phase Review
DPPNASA AcronymsDeployment Pointing Panels
DPPNASA AcronymsDesign Review
DPPNASA AcronymsDiscrepancy R12POrt
DPPNASA AcronymsDispatch BeliabilitY
DPPNASA AcronymsD'isposit'lon Record
DPPNASA AcronymsDoor
DPPNASA AcronymsDrive
DPPNASA AcronymsE)eve@opment-Right
DPPCChemistry AcronymsDipalmitoyl Phosphatidylcholine
DPPDBUncategorized AcronymsDigital Point Positioning Database
DPRChemistry AcronymsCalifornia Department Of Pesticide Regulation
DPREUncategorized AcronymsDisplaced Person Or Refugee (plural Displaced Persons And Refugees)
DPRKUncategorized AcronymsDemocratic People's Republic Of Korea
DPROUS Military AcronymsDefense Plant Representative Office
DPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Production Services
DPSNASA AcronymsData Processing System
DPSUS Military AcronymsData Processing Subsystem
DPSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Dumb Parent Syndrome
DPSMedical Acronyms (Slang)(General Practice) Droopy Penis Syndrome: A Patient Wanting Viagra Prescription
DPSMedical Acronyms (Slang)(Hospitals) Disappearing Penis Syndrome: The Usual Reaction Of The Male Organ In Response To Insertion Of Catheter Or Endoscope
DPSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDamage Per Second
DPSOLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDu Pont Savannah River Operations Logbook
DPSSAstronomy AcronymsDATA Processing Services Subsystem
DPSSChemistry AcronymsDiode-pumped Solid-state
DPSSLChemistry AcronymsDiode Pumped Solid State Laser
DPSTUncategorized AcronymsDouble-Pole Single-Throw
DPSVChemistry AcronymsDifferential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry
DPTChemistry AcronymsDegenerate Perturbation Theory
DPTChemistry AcronymsDiffuse Phase Transition
DPTChemistry AcronymsDirect Perturbation Theory
DPTNASA AcronymsDesign Proof Test

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