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Acronyms starting with D Page 13

 Acronym Category Meaning
DLICUncategorized AcronymsDetachment Left-In-Contact
DLIRUncategorized AcronymsDepot-Level Inspection And Repair
DLISUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Logistics Information Service
DLLChemistry AcronymsDynamic Link Library
DLLUncategorized AcronymsDynamic Link Library
DLLComputer Acronyms (Common)Dynamic Link Library
DLLComputer And Internet AcronymsDynamic Link Library
DLMChemistry AcronymsDiffuse Layer Model (of Adsorption)
DLMOChemistry AcronymsDensity Localized Molecular Orbital
DLOSChemistry AcronymsDeep-level Optical Spectroscopy
DLPComputer And Internet AcronymsDigital Light Processing
DLPCBChemistry AcronymsDioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyl
DLPDUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Link Protocol Data Unit
DLPFCUncategorized AcronymsDorsoLateral PreFrontal Cortex
DLPMCUncategorized AcronymsDorsoLateral PreMotor Cortex
DLRAstronomy AcronymsDeutsche Forschungsanstalt Fuer Luft- Und Raumfahrt
DLRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDeutsche Zentrum Fur Luft-und Raumfarht
DLRUncategorized AcronymsDeutsches Zentrum Fr Luft- Und Raumfahrt (German
DLRUS Military AcronymsDepot Level Repairable
DLRPUncategorized AcronymsData Link Reference Point
DLSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDynamic Limb Sounder
DLSChemistry AcronymsDynamic Light Scattering
DLSNASA AcronymsDynamic Load Simulator
DLSUncategorized AcronymsDeep Lens Survey
DLSAUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Defense Legal Services Agency
DLSAUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Legal Services Agency
DLSCUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Defense Logistics Services Center - U.S. Defense Logistics Support Command - Department Of Library Special Collections (Western Kentucky University Libraries) - Direct Loan Servicing Center - Directorate Of Land Strategic Concepts (Canada) - Dominica
DLSCUncategorized AcronymsDiploma In Library Science
DLSCUS Military AcronymsDefense Logistic Systems Center
DLTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDigital Linear Tape
DLTChemistry AcronymsDose-limiting Toxicity
DLTComputer And Internet AcronymsDigital Linear Tape
DLTBBBSMS Chat And Text AcronymsDon't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
DLTBBBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
DLTBGYDUncategorized AcronymsDon't Let The Bastards Grind You Down
DLTFSChemistry AcronymsDeep Level Transient Fourier Spectroscopy
DLTMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsDon't Lie To Me
DLTMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Lie To Me
DLTSChemistry AcronymsDeep-level Transient Spectroscopy
DLVOChemistry AcronymsDerjaguin, Landau, Verwey, And Overbeek Theory
DLYNASA AcronymsDelay
DMAstronomy AcronymsDark Matter
DMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Management
DMHuman Genome AcronymsMyotonic Dystrophy
DMMedical AcronymsDiabetic Mellitus
DMNASA AcronymsDocument
DMNASA AcronymsData Manager
DMNASA AcronymsDeveloPment Motor
DMNASA AcronymsDeveloPmental Instrumentation MDM.Mid
DMNASA AcronymsDisassembly Manual
DMNASA AcronymsDocking Mechanism
DMSCUBA Diving AcronymsDive Master (PADI)
DMUncategorized AcronymsDominica (ISO 3166 Digram) -Dungeon Master (role-playing Games)
DMUS Military AcronymsData Management
DMAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Mapping Agency
DMAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDirectory Of Military Application
DMAChemistry AcronymsDifferential Mobility Analyzer
DMAChemistry AcronymsDimethylarsinic Acid
DMAChemistry AcronymsDirect Multicomponent Analysis
DMAChemistry AcronymsDistributed Multipole Analysis
DMAChemistry AcronymsDynamic Mechanical Analysis (for Elastomers)
DMANASA AcronymsDirect MemorY Access
DMANASA AcronymsDirect MemorY Address
DMAUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Defense Mapping Agency (became NIMA
DMAUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Mapping Agency (replaced By NIMA)
DMAUS Military AcronymsDefense Mapping Agency
DMAUS Military AcronymsDepot Maintenance Activity
DMAUS Military AcronymsDirect Memory Access
DMAComputer Acronyms (Common)Direct Memory Access
DMAComputer And Internet AcronymsDirect Memory Access
DMADChemistry AcronymsDimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate
DMAIAGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Mapping Agency Inter-American Geodetic Survey
DMARDChemistry AcronymsDisease Modifying Antirheumatic Drug
DMBEChemistry AcronymsDouble Many-body Expansion (in Potential Energy Surface Calcn.)
DMCChemistry AcronymsDouble Metal Cyanide
DMCChemistry AcronymsDough Molding Compound
DMCChemistry AcronymsDynamic Matrix Control
DMCNASA AcronymsData Management ComPuter
DMCNASA AcronymsDirect Maintenance Cost
DMCNASA AcronymsDrive Motor Assembly
DMCUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Defense Management Council
DMCAUncategorized AcronymsDigital Millennium Copyright Act
DMCAComputer And Internet AcronymsDigital Millennium Copyright Act
DMCCChemistry AcronymsDimethylcarbamyl Chloride
DMCFNASA AcronymsDeservicing
DMCPChemistry AcronymsDOE Methods Compendium Program
DMCPChemistry AcronymsDouble Microchannel Plate
DMDChemistry AcronymsDuchenne Muscular Dystrophy
DMDHuman Genome AcronymsDuchenne Muscular Dystrophy
DMDUncategorized AcronymsDentariae Medicinae Doctor (Latin
DMDCUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Manpower Data Center
DMDHEUChemistry AcronymsDimethyloldihydroxyethylene Urea
DMDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDiMethyDiSulfide
DMDSChemistry AcronymsDimethyl Disulfide
DMEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDistance-measuring Equipment
DMEChemistry AcronymsDimethyl Etherpar
DMEChemistry AcronymsDielectric Midgap Energy (model)
DMEChemistry AcronymsDropping Mercury Electrode
DMENASA AcronymsDistance Measur Ng EquiPment
DMENASA AcronymsDistance-measuring Equipment

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