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Acronyms starting with C Page 9

 Acronym Category Meaning
CCIChemistry AcronymsContracted Configuration Interaction
CCIChemistry AcronymsCrevice Corrosion Index
CCIComputer And Internet AcronymsCommon Content Inspection
CCICEDOrganizations AcronymsChina Council For International Cooperation On Environment And Development
CCIDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConfidential Chemicals Identification System
CCIDChemistry AcronymsConfidential Chemicals Identification System
CCIFUncategorized AcronymsComit? Consultatif International Des Communications T?l?phoniques ? Grande Distance (French For International Telephone Consultative Committee
CCIGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCloud Climate Interactions Group
CCIIUncategorized AcronymsCommand And Control Information Infrastructure
CCIIMChemistry AcronymsClearinghouse For Chemical Information Instructional Materials
CCIMNASA AcronymsCommand Computer Input Multiplexer
CCIRNASA AcronymsInternational Radio Consultative Committee
CCIRUncategorized AcronymsComit? Consultatif International Pour La Radio (French For Consultative Committee On International Radio
CCITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsComite Consultatife International De Telephonique Et Telegraphique
CCITUncategorized AcronymsComit? Consultatif International T?l?graphique (French For International Telegraph Consultative Committee
CCITTUncategorized AcronymsComit? Consultatif International T?l?phonique Et T?l?graphique (French For International Telegraph And Telephone Consultative Committee
CCITTComputer And Internet AcronymsConsultative Committee For International Telephony And Telegraphy
CCIXChemistry AcronymsContinuous Countercurrent Ion Exchange
CCKMedical AcronymsCholecystokinin
CCKUncategorized AcronymsCholecystokinin -Cocos (Keeling) Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram)
CCLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConvection Condensation Level
CCLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConvective Condensation Level
CCLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommerce Control List
CCLChemistry AcronymsDrinking Water Contaminant Candidate List
CCLChemistry AcronymsCarotenoid-carrying Lipoprotein
CCLNASA AcronymsClosed Circuit Loop
CCLNASA AcronymsCommonality Candidate List
CCLNASA AcronymsConfiguration Control Logic
CCLUS Military AcronymsCommand And Control Lab
CCLUS Military AcronymsCommand Control Language
CCLGOChemistry AcronymsCatalytic Cracked Light Gas Oil
CCLRCChemistry AcronymsCouncil For The Central Laboratory Of The Research Councils
CCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate Model
CCMChemistry AcronymsChanneling Contrast Microscopy
CCMChemistry AcronymsChemical Cleavage Of Mismatch
CCMChemistry AcronymsComplex Coordinate Method (in Calcns. On Quantum Tunneling)
CCMChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Method (for Energy Level Calculations)
CCMChemistry AcronymsCrucible Ceramic Mold
CCMChemistry AcronymsCyclic Cluster Model (in CNDO For Deep Levels In Solids)
CCMHuman Genome AcronymsChromosome Coordinating Meeting
CCMNASA AcronymsControlled Carrier Modulation
CCMNASA AcronymsCrew/Cargo Module
CCMNASA AcronymsE Contract Change Mass Estimate
CCM1Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate Model 1
CCM2Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate Model Version 2
CCM2Chemistry AcronymsCommunity Climate Model Version 2
CCM3Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate Model Version 3
CCM4Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate Model 4
CCM5Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate Model 5
CCMCChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Method With Multiconfiguration Reference State
CCMC-T2Chemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Multiconfigurational (double-excitation Method With Cluster Operator Approximated By T2)
CCMEChemistry AcronymsCanadian Council Of Ministers Of The Environment
CCMEOrganizations AcronymsCanadian Council Of Ministers Of The Environment
CCMETChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Many-electron Theory
CCMGAChemistry AcronymsCore-corrected Modified Glauber Approxn. (for Scattering)
CCMMUS Military AcronymsCourse Curriculum Model Manager
CCMPChemistry AcronymsCapacitively Coupled Microwave Plasma
CCMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCCM0B
CCMSChemistry AcronymsCommittee On Challenges Of Modern Society (NATO)
CCMSNASA AcronymsCheckout
CCMSNASA AcronymsCheckout
CCMSNASA AcronymsCommand Control And Monitor System
CCMSDChemistry AcronymsComputational Center For Molecular Structure And Design
CCMSTChemistry AcronymsCo-ordinating Committee On Marine Science And Technology (UK)
CCMTCUS Military AcronymsCommand And Control Maint Team Complex
CCNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsComputer-to-computer Network
CCNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCloud Condensation Nuclei
CCNChemistry AcronymsCloud Condensation Nucleus
CCNNASA AcronymsContract Change Negotiation
CCNNASA AcronymsContract Change Notice
CCNBusiness And FinanceCounty Council Network
CCNSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConcerned Citizens For Nuclear Safety
CCNYAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCity College Of New York
CCOChemistry AcronymsCoupled-channel-optical (potential
CCOUS Military AcronymsContract Change Order
CCOCUncategorized Acronyms Canadian Children's Opera Chorus
CCOHNASA AcronymsCorrosive Contaminants
CCOHSChemistry AcronymsCanadian Centre For Occupational Health And Safety
CCOIChemistry AcronymsCoupled-channel Optical (potential Method With Only The) Imaginary (part Of The Complex Polarization Potential)
CCOLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCoordinating Committee On The Ozone Layer
CCOMChemistry AcronymsCoupled Channel Optical Method
CCOPUncategorized AcronymsCoalition Common Operating/Operational Picture
CCOPEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment
CCOSMChemistry AcronymsChemistry And Circulation Occultation Spectroscopy Mission
CCPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsClouds In Climate Program
CCPChemistry AcronymsCapacitively Coupled Plasma
CCPNASA AcronymsCenter Console Panel
CCPNASA AcronymsCharge Capacitance Probe
CCPNASA AcronymsCommercial Change Proposal
CCPNASA AcronymsComPuter Control Panel
CCPNASA AcronymsConfiguration Change Point
CCPNASA AcronymsConfiguration Control Panel
CCPNASA AcronymsConfiguration Control Phase
CCPNASA AcronymsContract Change Proposal
CCPNASA AcronymsCost Control Program
CCPUncategorized AcronymsCasualty Collection Point - Communications Checkpoint - Contingency Communications Package
CCPAChemistry AcronymsCanadian Chemical Producers Association
CCPAChemistry AcronymsCemented Carbide Producers Association
CCPAChemistry AcronymsCellular Coherent-potential Approximation (for Electronic Structure Calcns.)
CCPAChemistry AcronymsCluster Coherent Potential Approximation (for Electronic Structure Calcns.)

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