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Acronyms starting with C Page 35

 Acronym Category Meaning
CTGChemistry AcronymsControl Technique Guidelines
CTGHuman Genome AcronymsTrinucleotide Repeat
CTGFChemistry AcronymsConnective Tissue Growth Factor
CTGFUncategorized AcronymsConnective Tissue Growth Factor
CTINASA AcronymsCritical Transportation Item
CTIUncategorized AcronymsCo-operative Target Identification
CTIComputer And Internet AcronymsComputer-Telephony Integration
CTICUS Military AcronymsContractor Technical Information Code
CTILUncategorized AcronymsCritical Tracked Items List
CTIOAstronomy AcronymsCerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
CTIOChemistry AcronymsCerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
CTIOSAChemistry AcronymsCharge-transfer Infinite Order Sudden Approxn.
CTISNASA AcronymsCrawler Transporter Intercom System
CTISUncategorized AcronymsCentral Tire-Inflation System
CTLChemistry AcronymsCytotoxic T Lymphocyte
CTLNASA AcronymsCanoga Test Laboratory
CTLNASA AcronymsCentral Or Control
CTLAChemistry AcronymsCytotoxic T Lymphocyte Antigen
CTMChemistry AcronymsConditional Test Method
CTMChemistry AcronymsChemical Transport Model
CTMNASA AcronymsContract TechnicalManager
CTMNASA AcronymsCrystalline Transitional Material
CTMABChemistry AcronymsCetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (cationic Surfactant)
CTMCChemistry AcronymsClassical Trajectory Monte Carlo
CTMPChemistry AcronymsComprehensive Treatment Management Plan
CTMPChemistry AcronymsChemico-thermomechanical Pulping
CTMSUncategorized AcronymsClinical Trial Management System
CTNNASA AcronymsCertification TestNetwork
CTOUncategorized AcronymsChief Technical Officer - Chief Technology Officer
CTOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCheck This Out
CTODChemistry AcronymsCrack Tip Opening Displacement
CTOFChemistry AcronymsCharge Time-of-Flight Spectrometer
CTPChemistry AcronymsCytidine 5'-triphosphate
CTPNASA AcronymsCommunications Timing Procedure
CTPNASA AcronymsCYclic Time Processor
CTPComputer Acronyms (Common)Composite Theoretical Performance
CTPComputer And Internet AcronymsCommunity Technical Preview
CTPDNASA AcronymsCrew Training And Procedures Division (JSC)
CTPGFChemistry AcronymsClosed Time Path Green Function (in Many-body Theory)
CTPLUS Military AcronymsCentral Technical Publications Library
CTPVChemistry AcronymsCoal Tar Pitch Volatiles
CTRChemistry AcronymsCalcitonin Receptor
CTRChemistry AcronymsCrystal Truncation Rod
CTRNASA AcronymsContract Technical Representative
CTRUS Military AcronymsCentered
CTRComputer Acronyms (Common)Click-Through Rate
CTRComputer And Internet AcronymsClick-Through Ratio
CTRLUS Military AcronymsControl
CTRLRSUS Military AcronymsControllers
CTRSNASA AcronymsComponent Test Requirements Specifications
CTSNASA AcronymsCanadian Technology Satellite
CTSNASA AcronymsCi'mPuter Test Set
CTSNASA AcronymsCommunications And Tracking System
CTSNASA AcronymsCOMPuterized Training System
CTSUncategorized AcronymsClear-To-Send - Collective Training Standards - Communications Technology Service - Contract Technical Services - Conversation Time Sharing - COSMIC Top Secret
CTSUS Military AcronymsContract Technical Services
CTSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Cold-tea Sign / Cold Tea Syndrome - Refers To The Several Cups Of Cold Tea On The Bedside Cabinet Beside A Dead Geriatric (i.e. No-one Noticed The Patient Had Died)
CTSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Crazier Than Shit
CTSDNASA AcronymsComPuter Test Sequences Document
CTSDNASA AcronymsCoordinate Transformation SYstem
CTSSUncategorized AcronymsCompatible Time-Sharing System
CTTBNASA AcronymsCheckout Techniques Test Bed
CTTSChemistry AcronymsClassical T Tauri Star
CTTSChemistry AcronymsCharge Transfer To Solvent
CTUNASA AcronymsCentral Timing Unit
CTUUncategorized AcronymsCounter Terrorist Unit (fictional Branch Of The Central Intelligence Agency In The Television Action Series 24)
CTVTUncategorized AcronymsCanine Transmissible Venereal Tumour
CTWTNASA AcronymsCounterweight
CTZChemistry AcronymsCoastal Transition Zone
CUChatting AcronymsSee You
CUNASA AcronymsControl Unit
CUNASA AcronymsCubic
CUUncategorized AcronymsCopper (Latin Cuprum)
CUUncategorized AcronymsCuba (FIPS 10-4 Country Code; ISO 3166 Digram)
CUUncategorized AcronymsOld Church Slavonic Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
CUSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSee You
CUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCracking Up
CUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee You
CUAComputer And Internet AcronymsCommon User Access
CUAPUS Govt. AcronymsCollege And University Affiliations Program
CUATUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee You Around The Universe
CUBNASA AcronymsCommonality Usage Board
CUBUncategorized AcronymsCuba (ISO 3166 Trigram)
CUCNASA AcronymsComPuter Usage Control
CUCVUncategorized AcronymsCommercial Utility Cargo Vehicle
CUDIXUS Military AcronymsCommon User Data Information Exchange
CUDSNASA AcronymsCumulative Data Statistics
CUENASA AcronymsCommon Usage Equipment
CUFNASA AcronymsCross Utilization File
CUILNASA AcronymsCOmmon Usage Item List
CUIMDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee You In My Dreams
CULChatting AcronymsSee You Later
CULSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSee You Later
CULText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee You Later
CUL8RChatting AcronymsSee You Later
CUL8RSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSee You Later
CUL8RText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee You Later
CULAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee You Later Alligator
CUMChemistry AcronymsCumulative Effects
CUMNASA AcronymsCumulative

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