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Acronyms starting with C Page 33

 Acronym Category Meaning
CSFChemistry AcronymsConfiguration State Function (part Of Ci Wave Function)
CSFMedical Acronyms Cerebrospinal Fluid
CSFMedical AcronymsCerebrospinal Fluid
CSFNASA AcronymsCentral Supply Facility
CSFNASA AcronymsCost Sensitivity Factor
CSFGHChemistry AcronymsComplex-scaling Fourier-grid Hamiltonian
CSFRChemistry AcronymsColony-stimulating Factor Receptor
CSFVChemistry AcronymsClassical Swine Fever Virus
CSGUncategorized AcronymsCorps Support Group
CSGEChemistry AcronymsConformation Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis
CSGTChemistry AcronymsContinuous Set Of Gauge Transformations
CSGWPPChemistry AcronymsComprehensive State Ground Water Protection Program
CSHChemistry AcronymsCalcium Silicate Hydrate (cement Component)
CSHChemistry AcronymsCentrifugal Sudden Hyperspherical (coordinate Reactive Scattering Code)
CSHBChemistry AcronymsChemical Safety And Hazard Investigation Board
CSHIBChemistry AcronymsChemical Safety And Hazard Investigation Board
CSHLHuman Genome AcronymsCold Spring Harbor Laboratory
CSHOChemistry AcronymsCompliance Safety & Health Officer
CSIChemistry AcronymsChemical Substances Inventory
CSIChemistry AcronymsChemical Shift Imaging (NMR)
CSIChemistry AcronymsCrystal Structure Imaging
CSINASA AcronymsCoelliptic Sequence Initiation
CSINASA AcronymsControl Servo Input
CSINASA AcronymsCrew Software Interface
CSIUncategorized AcronymsSee Entry
CSIUS Govt. AcronymsCenter For The Study Of Intelligence
CSIUS Military AcronymsContractor Simulator Instruction (training)
CSIAChemistry AcronymsCompd.-specific Isotope Anal.
CSICOPUncategorized AcronymsCommittee For The Scientific Investigation Of Claims Of The Paranormal (became The Committee For Skeptical Inquiry In 2006)
CSINChemistry AcronymsChemical Substance Information Network
CSIPUncategorized AcronymsCommercial Stable Image Platform (AMD)
CSIRChemistry AcronymsChemistry Software And Information Resources
CSIRChemistry AcronymsCouncil For Scientific And Industrial Research (South Africa)
CSIRNASA AcronymsComputer Systems (Hardware/Software) Integration
CSIRNASA AcronymsReview
CSIROAstronomy AcronymsCommonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization
CSIROChemistry AcronymsCommonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization
CSISUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Security Intelligence Service (seessiss) -(U.S.) Center For Strategic & International Studies
CSITEChemistry AcronymsConsortium For Research On Enhancing Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial Ecosystems
CSIUNASA AcronymsCore Segment Interface Unit
CSJAGUS Military AcronymsCrew Station Joint Advisory Group
CSJWGUS Military AcronymsCrew Station Joint Working Group
CSKUncategorized AcronymsCzechoslovakia (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete Since 1993)
CSLNASA AcronymsCommand Signal Limiter
CSLNASA AcronymsComputer Status Lights
CSLNASA AcronymsCrew Systems Laboratory
CSLUncategorized AcronymsU.K. Central Science Laboratory
CSLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsCan't Stop Laughing
CSLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCan't Stop Laughing
CSMAstronomy AcronymsCommand And Service Module
CSMChemistry AcronymsContinuum Solvation Model
CSMNASA AcronymsCommand Service Module
CSMNASA AcronymsCommon Support Module
CSMNASA AcronymsComputer Status Matrix
CSMAChemistry AcronymsChemical Specialties Manufacturers Association
CSMA/CAComputer And Internet AcronymsCarrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CDComputer And Internet AcronymsCarrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
CSMCSChemistry AcronymsCarbon Species Methods Comparison Study
CSMISUS Military AcronymsCombat System Management Information System
CSMLChemistry AcronymsChemical Structure Markup Language
CSMOSChemistry AcronymsCenter For Subsurface Modeling Support
CSMTSCUS Military AcronymsCombat System Manpower And Training Steering Committee
CSNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsChuckle, Snicker, Grin
CSN-ICPChemistry AcronymsConductive Solids Nebulizer-inductively Coupled Plasma
CSOChemistry AcronymsCombined Sewage Overflow(s)
CSOCNASA AcronymsConsolidated Space Operations Center
CSOGUS Military AcronymsCommunications Security Operational Group
CSOMChemistry AcronymsConfocal Scanning Optical Microscopy
CSOMUS Military AcronymsComputer System Operator's Manual
CSOPNASA AcronymsCrew Systems Operating Procedures
CSOVChemistry AcronymsConstrained Space Orbital Variation
CSPChemistry AcronymsCathodic Stripping Potentiometry
CSPChemistry AcronymsChiral Stationary Phase
CSPChemistry AcronymsCold Shock Protein
CSPChemistry AcronymsCompact Strip Production
CSPChemistry AcronymsComputational Singular Perturbation (math Modeling Method)
CSPNASA AcronymsComputerSupportProgram
CSPAChemistry AcronymsCold Shock Protein A
CSPEIUS Military AcronymsComputer Software Product End Item
CSPIChemistry AcronymsCoherent State Path Integration
CSPIUncategorized AcronymsCenter For Science In The Public Interest
CSPPUS Military AcronymsCrew Scheduling And Phasing Plan
CSPUNASA AcronymsCoi-e Segment Processing Unit
CSRChemistry AcronymsClass Switch Recombination
CSRChemistry AcronymsCoke Strength After Reaction
CSRChemistry AcronymsConstant Sampling Rate
CSRNASA AcronymsCertification Status Report
CSRNASA AcronymsCheck Signal Return
CSRNASA AcronymsCrew Station Review
CSRNASA AcronymsCrew Station Review
CSRUncategorized AcronymsControl Supply Rate
CSRUS Govt. AcronymsCenter For Scientific Review
CSRBusiness And FinanceComprehensive Spending Review
CSRCUncategorized AcronymsConflict Studies Research Centre
CSREESUS Govt. AcronymsCooperative State Research
CSRFUncategorized AcronymsCross-Site Request Forgery
CSROChemistry AcronymsChemical Short-range Order
CSRPNASA AcronymsComputers And Software Review Panel
CSRRChemistry AcronymsCoupled-state Rigid-rotor
CSRSChemistry AcronymsCooperative State Research Service (US Dept. Of Agriculture)

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