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Acronyms starting with C Page 28

 Acronym Category Meaning
CP-LSDAChemistry AcronymsCar-Parrinello Local Spin Density Functional
CP-PCONASA AcronymsCargo Projects-Program Control Office
CP-SPONASA AcronymsSpacelab Projects Office (KSC)
CP-TAPFChemistry AcronymsCross-polarization Using Time-averaged Precession Frequency
CP/MUS Military AcronymsControl Program For Microprocessors
CP/MComputer And Internet AcronymsControl Program For Microprocessors (Control Program/Monitor)
CP/MASChemistry AcronymsCross Polarization/magic Angle Spinning [in Regard To NMR]
CPAChemistry AcronymsChirped Pulse Amplification
CPAChemistry AcronymsCoherent Potential Approximation
CPAChemistry AcronymsCoupled-pair Approximation
CPANASA AcronymsContingency Planning Aid
CPANASA AcronymsCritical Path Analysis
CPAUncategorized AcronymsCertified Public Accountant
CPAComputer Acronyms (Common)Cost Per Action
CPAAChemistry AcronymsCharged Particle Activation Analysis
CPACChemistry AcronymsCenter For Process Analytical Chemistry
CPACUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Parliamentary Affairs Channel - Conservative Political Action Conference (see-pack)
CPAFNASA AcronymsCost Plus Award Fee
CPAPChemistry AcronymsContinuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPAPMedical AcronymsContinuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPBChemistry AcronymsCardiopulmonary Bypass
CPBChemistry AcronymsCoupled Pressure Bars
CPBAChemistry AcronymsCoulomb-projected Born Approximation
CPBEChemistry AcronymsCoulomb-projected Born Approxn. With Exchange
CPCChemistry AcronymsChemical Protective Clothing
CPCChemistry AcronymsCentrifugal Partition Chromatography
CPCChemistry AcronymsCompound Parabolic Concentrator (for Solar Collectors And Solar Cells)
CPCNASA AcronymsCentral Planning Center
CPCNASA AcronymsCharacteristics Properties Code
CPCNASA AcronymsComputerProgramComponent
CPCNASA AcronymsI Computer Program Change Instruction
CPCSatellite Meterology AcronymsClimate Prediction Center (NWS Center)
CPCUS Military AcronymsCurrent Production Code
CPCComputer Acronyms (Common)Cost Per Click
CPCAChemistry AcronymsConsensus Principal Component Analysis
CPCBNASA AcronymsCrew Procedures ControlBoard
CPCCChemistry AcronymsComplex-potential Close-coupling
CPCCSDChemistry AcronymsCoupled-perturbed Coupled-cluster (with) Single (and) Double Excitation
CPCEINASA AcronymsComputer Program Contract End Item
CPCGAstronomy AcronymsCommercial Protein Crystal Growth
CPCINASA AcronymsComputer Prograni Configuration Item
CPCIUS Military AcronymsComputer Program Configuration Item
CPCLNASA AcronymsComputer Program Change Library
CPCLNASA AcronymsComputer Program Control Library
CPCPIChemistry AcronymsChemical Protective Clothing Performance Index
CPCRNASA AcronymsComputer Program Change Request
CPCRNASA AcronymsCrew Procedures Change Request (Form 482)
CPDChemistry AcronymsContact Potential Difference
CPDChemistry AcronymsCyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimer
CPDMedical AcronymsCephalo-pelvic Disproportion
CPDNASA AcronymsConverter
CPDNASA AcronymsCrew ProceduresDivision
CPDNASA AcronymsCrew Passive Dosimeter
CPDNASA AcronymsR Contractor's Preliminary Design Review
CPDUncategorized AcronymsCapabilities Production Document
CPDUS Military AcronymsConsolidated Procurement Directive (ntec-3930/27)
CPDAMChemistry AcronymsCumulative Potential-derived Atomic Multipole (calcn. Method)
CPDDSNASA AcronymsCOmPuter Program Detail Design Specification
CPDSNASA AcronymsComputer Program Design (or Development) Specificat
CPDSNASA AcronymsCrew Procedures Documentation System
CPDWChemistry AcronymsCircumpolar Deep Water
CPDWBChemistry AcronymsCoulomb-projected Distorted-wave Born
CPEChemistry AcronymsCoulomb Wave-plane Wave (description With) Effective Screening
CPEChemistry AcronymsCarbon Paste Electrode
CPEChemistry AcronymsChlorinated Polyethylene
CPEChemistry AcronymsCloud Point Extraction
CPEChemistry AcronymsControlled-potential Electrolysis
CPENASA AcronymsChief Program Engineer
CPENASA AcronymsI Computer Program End Item
CPEUncategorized AcronymsCertificate Of Proficiency In English
CPEComputer And Internet AcronymsCustomer Premises Equipment
CPEDChemistry AcronymsConvergent Probe Electron Diffraction
CPEOChemistry AcronymsChronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
CPESNASA AcronymsCrew Procedures Evaluation (Evaluator) Simulator
CPESAChemistry AcronymsCoincidence-enhanced Proton Elastic Scattering Analysis
CPFChemistry AcronymsCancer Potency Factor
CPFChemistry AcronymsCarcinogenic Potency Factor
CPFChemistry AcronymsCoupled-pair Formalism
CPFChemistry AcronymsCoupled-pair Functional (CI Method With Energy Functional)
CPFNASA AcronymsCargo Processing Facility
CPFNASA AcronymsCentral Processing Facility
CPFNASA AcronymsCost Per Flight
CPFUncategorized AcronymsCalibration Parameter File - Canadian Patrol Frigate
CPFUS Military AcronymsContractor Performance Factor
CPFDChemistry AcronymsCoupled-pair Functional With Double Excitation
CPFFNASA AcronymsCOst Plus Fixed Fee
CPFGUS Military AcronymsCno Planning And Fiscal Guidance
CPGNASA AcronymsChange Planning Group
CPGUncategorized AcronymsClinical Practice Guideline
CPHFChemistry AcronymsCoupled Perturbed Hartree-Fock
CPHSDMChemistry AcronymsConstant Pattern Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model
CPIChemistry AcronymsChemical Patents Index
CPIChemistry AcronymsChemical Process Industry
CPIChemistry AcronymsConference Papers Index
CPIChemistry AcronymsCarbon Preference Index
CPINASA AcronymsCross Pointer Indicator
CPINASA AcronymsCrosspointer Indicator
CPIUS Govt. AcronymsConsumer Price Index
CPIUS Military AcronymsContractor Preliminary Inspection
CPIFNASA AcronymsCOst Plus Incentive Fee

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