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Acronyms starting with C Page 23

 Acronym Category Meaning
CMEChemistry AcronymsChemically Modified Electrode
CMEChemistry AcronymsCoronal Mass Ejection
CMEChemistry AcronymsCrucible Melt Extraction
CMEUncategorized AcronymsCoronal Mass Ejection (usually Sun)
CMEComputer And Internet AcronymsCommon Malware Enumeration
CMFChemistry AcronymsClay Minerals File (of Digitized X-ray Diffraction Traces)
CMFChemistry AcronymsColloid Metal Film
CMFChemistry AcronymsCompletely Mixed Flow
CMFChemistry AcronymsContinuous Microfiltration
CMFChemistry AcronymsCrossflow Microfiltration
CMFBusiness And FinanceCapital Modernisation Fund
CMFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCount My Fingers
CMGNASA AcronymsControl Moment Gyro
CMHCUncategorized AcronymsCanada Mortgage And Housing Corporation
CMHSUS Govt. AcronymsCenter For Mental Health Services
CMIChemistry AcronymsCell-mediated Immunity
CMIChemistry AcronymsCorrective Measures Implementation
CMIUS Military AcronymsComputer Managed Instruction
CMIIWSMS Chat And Text AcronymsCorrect Me If I'm Wrong
CMIPComputer And Internet AcronymsCommon Management Information Protocol
CMIRChemistry AcronymsCarter Maximum Incremental Reactivity
CMIWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCorrect Me If I'm Wrong
CMJUncategorized AcronymsChristopher Martin-Jenkins (BBC Sports Commentator)
CMLChemistry AcronymsChronic Myelogenous Leukemia
CMLUncategorized AcronymsChemical -Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (formerly Chronic Myeloid Leukemia)
CMLComputer And Internet AcronymsChemical Markup Language
CMLSChemistry AcronymsChemical Movement In Layered Soils
CMMChemistry AcronymsCompositionally Modulated Multilayers
CMMNASA AcronymsCondition Monitored Maintenance
CMMUncategorized AcronymsCapability Maturity Model
CMMUS Military AcronymsCapability Maturity Model
CMMUS Military AcronymsCore Memory Module
CMMCUncategorized AcronymsCorps Materiel Management Centre
CMMIComputer And Internet AcronymsCapability Maturity Model Integration
CMMLUncategorized AcronymsChronic MyeloMonocytic Leukemia
CMNNASA AcronymsCrewman
CMNOSChemistry AcronymsComplementary Metal Nitride/Oxide Semiconductor
CMNTUS Military AcronymsComment
CMOChemistry AcronymsCanonical Molecular Orbital
CMOChemistry AcronymsComplex Molecular Orbital Method
CMONASA AcronymsConfiguration Management Office
CMOUncategorized AcronymsCivil-Military Operations
CMOUS Military AcronymsConfiguration Management Officer
CMOBusiness And FinanceCollateralized Mortgage Obligation
CMOCUncategorized AcronymsCivil-Military Operations Centre
CMODChemistry AcronymsCrack Mouth Opening Displacement
CMOMLUS Military AcronymsConsumables Maintenance And Overhaul Material List
CMOSChemistry AcronymsComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMOSNASA AcronymsComplementary Metal Oxide Silicon
CMOSUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Meteorological And Oceanographic Society - Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
CMOSUS Military AcronymsComplementary Metal Oxide Silicon
CMOSComputer Acronyms (Common)Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMOSComputer And Internet AcronymsComplementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CMPChemistry AcronymsCellular And Molecular Pharmacology
CMPChemistry AcronymsChemical Measurement Process
CMPChemistry AcronymsCapacitively Coupled Microwave Plasma
CMPChemistry AcronymsCartilage Matrix Protein
CMPChemistry AcronymsChemical Mechanical Polishing
CMPChemistry AcronymsCompact Model Potential
CMPChemistry AcronymsCytidine 5'-monophosphate
CMPNASA AcronymsConfiguration Management Plan
CMPUncategorized AcronymsCommon [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture
CMPUS Military AcronymsConfiguration Management Plan
CMPDUncategorized AcronymsCharlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
CMPDUncategorized AcronymsChronic Myeloproliferative Disease
CMPRNASA AcronymsCompare
CMPRTNASA AcronymsCompartment
CMPSBusiness And FinanceCentre For Management And Policy Studies
CMPTDNASA AcronymsComputed
CMPTRNASA AcronymsComputer
CMPTRNASA AcronymsACTYComputer Activity
CMPTRUS Military AcronymsComputer
CMPTSCUS Military AcronymsConventional Marine Propulsion Training Steering Group
CMRChemistry AcronymsColossal Magnetoresistance
CMRNASA AcronymsCenter Materials Representative
CMRUncategorized AcronymsCameroon (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Coaxial Main Rotors (helicopter Type)
CMRUS Military AcronymsConfiguration Management Review
CMR-CIChemistry AcronymsContracted Multireference Configuration Interaction
CMRAChemistry AcronymsChemical Migration And Risk Assessment
CMRBNASA AcronymsContractor Material Review Board
CMRRNASA AcronymsCommon Mode Rejection Ratio
CMRSUS Military AcronymsCalibration/measurement Requirements Summary
CMSChemistry AcronymsCompact Muon Solenoid
CMSChemistry AcronymsCarbogenic Molecular Sieves
CMSChemistry AcronymsComplete Model Space (in Many-body Calcns.)
CMSChemistry AcronymsComprehensive Modeling System
CMSChemistry AcronymsCorrective Measures Study
CMSMedical AcronymsCirculation
CMSUncategorized AcronymsCentres For Medicare And Medicaid Services
CMSUS Govt. AcronymsCenters For Medicare And Medicaid Services
CMSUS Military AcronymsCockpit Management System
CMSComputer And Internet AcronymsColor Management System
CMSComputer And Internet AcronymsContent Management System
CMS-2NASA AcronymsCambridge Monitoring System (IBM Computer Program)
CMSAChemistry AcronymsConsolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
CMSINASA AcronymsCheckout/Control And Monitor Subsystem Interface
CMSMChemistry AcronymsCarbon Molecular Sieve Membrane
CMSMChemistry AcronymsContinuum Multiple-scattering Model
CMSSUS Military AcronymsConfiguration Management Support System
CMSSMChemistry AcronymsConstrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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