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 Acronym Category Meaning
CLMAHuman Genome AcronymsClinical Laboratory Management Association
CLMCNASA AcronymsCentral Logistics Management Center
CLNDChemistry AcronymsChemiluminescent Nitrogen Detection
CLNRNASA AcronymsCleaner
CLOUncategorized AcronymsCornell Lab Of Ornithology
CLO'SBusiness And FinanceCollateralised Loan Obligations
CLOBUncategorized AcronymsCharacter Large OBject
CLODChemistry AcronymsConcn. Limit Of Detection
CLOMIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Cat Like Observation And Masterful Inactivity (patient Under Observation)
CLOPPAChemistry AcronymsContribution From Localized Molecular Orbitals With Polarization Propagator Approach
CLOSChemistry AcronymsCommon Lisp Object System (language)
CLOSUncategorized AcronymsCommon Lisp Object System
CLOSUncategorized AcronymsCommand To Line-Of-Sight (missile Control System)
CLOTChemistry AcronymsCarbon Layer Open Tubular (column)
CLPChemistry AcronymsContract Laboratory Program
CLPChemistry AcronymsCecal Ligation And Puncture
CLPChemistry AcronymsContract Laboratory Protocols (EPA)
CLPUncategorized AcronymsChilean Peso (ISO 4217 Currency Code) -Common [Operating/Operational] Land Picture
CLPFCUncategorized AcronymsCentroLateral PreFrontal Cortex
CLRNASA AcronymsClear
CLRUS Military AcronymsClear
CLRBNASA AcronymsCost Limit Review Board
CLRCChemistry AcronymsCentral Laboratory Of The Research Councils
CLRPUncategorized AcronymsCollege Loan Repayment Program
CLRTAPChemistry AcronymsConvention On Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
CLSChemistry AcronymsCathodoluminescence Spectroscopy
CLSChemistry AcronymsCharacteristic Loss Spectroscopy
CLSChemistry AcronymsClassical Least-squares
CLSChemistry AcronymsCore Level Spectroscopy
CLSNASA AcronymsContingency Landing Site(s)
CLSUS Military AcronymsContractor Logistics Support
CLSAChemistry AcronymsClosed Loop Stripping Analysis
CLSMChemistry AcronymsConfocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
CLSMChemistry AcronymsControlled Low Strength Material
CLSONASA AcronymsContingency Landing Support Officer
CLSVChemistry AcronymsCurrent Linear Sweep Voltammetry
CLTNASA AcronymsClosed Loop Test
CLTEChemistry AcronymsCoefficient Of Linear Thermal Expansion
CLTEUS Military AcronymsCost And Lead Time Estimate
CLTVDChemistry AcronymsControlled Low-temperature Vacuum Dehydration
CLU-INChemistry AcronymsClean-Up Information Bulletin Board System (formerly OSWER-BBS)
CLVComputer And Internet AcronymsConstant Linear Velocity
CMAstronomy AcronymsCommand Module
CMAstronomy AcronymsCenter Of Mass
CMAstronomy AcronymsCentral Meridian
CMChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Mixing
CMHuman Genome AcronymsCentimorgan
CMNASA AcronymsCargo Management
CMNASA AcronymsCenter Of Mass
CMNASA AcronymsCentimeter
CMNASA AcronymsConfiguration Management
CMNASA AcronymsConsumables Management
CMNASA AcronymsControl Monitor
CMNASA AcronymsCrew Module
CMUncategorized AcronymsCameroun (FIPS 10-4 Country Code; ISO 3166 Digram) -Cruise Missile -Nine Hundred (in Roman Numerals)
CMUncategorized AcronymsCurium
CMUS Military AcronymsConfiguration Management
CMBusiness And FinanceCommand Paper
CMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCall Me
CM&SNASA AcronymsCommunications Maintenance And Storage
CMAChemistry AcronymsChemical Manufacturers Association
CMAChemistry AcronymsCylindrical Mirror Analyzer
CMANASA AcronymsConfiguration Management Accounting
CMAUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Chemical Materials Agency
CMACSNASA AcronymsCentral Monitor And Control System
CMANUS Military AcronymsConfiguration Management
CMAONASA AcronymsContract Management Assistance Officer
CMAPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCover My Ass Partner
CMAQChemistry AcronymsCommunity Multiscale Air Quality
CMASChemistry AcronymsCaO-MgO-aluminum Oxide-silicon Dioxide
CMASChemistry AcronymsCompletely Mixed Activated Sludge
CMASSCUBA Diving AcronymsConfederation Moniale Des Activities Subaquatiques
CMASNChemistry AcronymsCalcium Oxide-magnesia-alumina-silica-sodium Oxide
CMATNASA AcronymsCompatible Materials (List)
CMBAstronomy AcronymsCosmic Microwave Background
CMBChemistry AcronymsChemical Mass Balance
CMBChemistry AcronymsCompletely Mixed Batch
CMBChemistry AcronymsCore Mantle Boundary
CMBChemistry AcronymsCosmic Microwave Background
CMBUncategorized AcronymsCosmic Microwave Background
CMBHChemistry AcronymsCapped Mesa Buried Heterostructure
CMBRAstronomy AcronymsCosmic Microwave Background Radiation
CMBRChemistry AcronymsCosmic Microwave Background Radiation
CMBRChemistry AcronymsCompletely Mixed Batch Reactor
CMBRUncategorized AcronymsCosmic Microwave Background Radiation
CMCChemistry AcronymsCeramic Matrix Composite
CMCChemistry AcronymsConditional Moment Closure [model]
CMCChemistry AcronymsCoupled Multiconfiguration
CMCChemistry AcronymsCritical Micelle Concentration
CMCNASA AcronymsCommand Module Computer
CMCNASA AcronymsCrew Module Computer
CMC-SCFChemistry AcronymsComplete Multiconfiguration Self-consistent Field
CMCCAstronomy AcronymsCentral Mission Control Centre
CMCPEChemistry AcronymsChemically Modified Carbon-paste Electrode
CMDNASA AcronymsCommand
CMDNASA AcronymsDCDR Command Decoder
CMDLChemistry AcronymsClimate Monitoring And Diagnostics Laboratory (NOAA Boulder
CMDSUS Military AcronymsCockpit Management Display System
CMEChemistry AcronymsCenter For Marine Exploration
CMEChemistry AcronymsCommunity Modelling Effort

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