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Acronyms starting with C Page 16

 Acronym Category Meaning
CFHH-GLFChemistry AcronymsCFHH-generalized Laguerre Function
CFHTAstronomy AcronymsCanada-France-Hawaii Telescope
CFHTChemistry AcronymsCanada-France-Hawaii Telescope
CFHTUncategorized AcronymsCanada-France-Hawaii Telescope
CFINASA AcronymsCard Format Identifier
CFIUncategorized AcronymsCenter For Inquiry (CSICOP)
CFIUS Military AcronymsContractor Final Inspection
CFIComputer And Internet AcronymsCommon Flash Interface
CFLUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Football League - Co-ordinated Fire Line
CFLCCUncategorized AcronymsCoalition Forces Land Component Command
CFMChemistry AcronymsCentral Field Model
CFMChemistry AcronymsCharge Force Microscope
CFMChemistry AcronymsCharge-fluctuation Model
CFMChemistry AcronymsChemical Force Microscopy
CFMChemistry AcronymsContamination-free Manufacturing
CFMChemistry AcronymsContinued-fraction Method
CFMChemistry AcronymsCubic Feet Per Minute
CFMNASA AcronymsCubic Feet Per Minute
CFMNASA AcronymsCustomer Furnished Material
CFMEChemistry AcronymsCarbon Fiber Microelectrode
CFMFChemistry AcronymsCross Flow Microfiltration
CFMFNASA AcronymsCrip Flow Management Facility
CFMMChemistry AcronymsContinuous Fast Multipole Method (algorithm For Coulomb Interactions Among Charge Distributions)
CFOChemistry AcronymsCrystal Field Orbital
CFOUncategorized AcronymsChief Financial Officer
CFOUS Military AcronymsCognizant Field Office
CFOCUS Govt. AcronymsChief Financial Officers Council
CFPChemistry AcronymsCentrifuge Facility Project
CFPChemistry AcronymsCoefficient Of Fractional Parentage (method In Quantum Calcns.)
CFPNASA AcronymsConceptual Flight Profile
CFPBusiness And FinanceCertified Financial Planner
CFPAAstronomy AcronymsCenter For Particle Astrophysics (Berkeley)
CFPPChemistry AcronymsCold Filter Plugging Point
CFRChemistry AcronymsCode Of Federal Regulations
CFRNASA AcronymsCode Federal Regulation
CFRUncategorized AcronymsCode Of Federal Regulations
CFRUS Govt. AcronymsCode Of Federal Regulations
CFRCChemistry AcronymsCarbon Fiber-reinforced Cement
CFRMChemistry AcronymsContinuous Filament Random Mat
CFRPAstronomy AcronymsCarbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
CFRPChemistry AcronymsCarbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CFRPNASA AcronymsCarbon Fiber Reinfr-
CFRPUncategorized AcronymsCarbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
CFRTChemistry AcronymsContinuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite
CFRTPChemistry AcronymsCarbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic
CFSChemistry AcronymsChemical Fixation And Solidification (of Hazardous Wastes)
CFSChemistry AcronymsChronic Fatigue Syndrome
CFSChemistry AcronymsCoherent Forward Scattering
CFSChemistry AcronymsContinuous Flow System
CFSChemistry AcronymsCubic Feet Per Second
CFSOrganizations AcronymsCanada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service
CFSUncategorized AcronymsChronic Fatigue Syndrome
CFSUS Military AcronymsContract Field Services
CFSANChemistry AcronymsCenter For Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
CFSANUS Govt. AcronymsNational Center For Food Safety And Applied Nutrition
CFSEChemistry AcronymsCrystal Field Stabilization Energy
CFSLChemistry AcronymsCavitation-field Sonoluminescence
CFSOChemistry AcronymsCrystal Field Surface Orbital
CFSPUncategorized AcronymsCommon Foreign And Security Policy
CFSRMChemistry AcronymsCoherent Forward Scattering Resonance Monochromator
CFSSChemistry AcronymsConstant-final-state Spectroscopy
CFSTIChemistry AcronymsClearinghouse For Federal Scientific And Technical Information
CFSTINASA AcronymsClearinghouse For Scientific And Technical Informatio
CFSTRChemistry AcronymsContinuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor
CFTChemistry AcronymsConformal Field Theory
CFTMedical AcronymsComplement-fixation Test
CFTNASA AcronymsCommon Facilities Test
CFTUS Military AcronymsContractor Flight Test
CFTMedical Acronyms (Slang)Chronic Food Toxicity I.e. Obesity
CFTAChemistry AcronymsCosmetic, Toiletry, And Fragrance Association
CFTCUS Govt. AcronymsCommodity Futures Trading Commission
CFTRChemistry AcronymsCystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator
CFUChemistry AcronymsColony Forming Unit (for Bacteria Counting In Water Disinfection)
CFUMedical Acronyms (Slang)Complete(ly) F*ck(ed) Up
CFVChatting AcronymsCall For Votes
CFVUncategorized AcronymsCavalry Fighting Vehicle
CFVSMS Chat And Text AcronymsCall For Votes
CFVText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCall For Vote
CFYNASA AcronymsCompany Fiscal Year
CFZUncategorized AcronymsCritical Friendly Zone
CGAstronomy AcronymsCenter Of Gravity
CGNASA AcronymsCenter Of Gravity
CGUncategorized AcronymsClient Group - Computer Graphics -Democratic Republic Of The Congo (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Republic Of The Congo (ISO 3166 Digram)
CGUS Military AcronymsCenter Of Gravity
CGUS Military AcronymsGuided Missile Cruiser
CGAChemistry AcronymsCompressed Gas Association
CGAChemistry AcronymsChromogranin A
CGAChemistry AcronymsColloidal Gas Aphron
CGAComputer And Internet AcronymsColor Graphics Adapter
CGAPChemistry AcronymsCancer Genome Anatomy Project
CGAUNASA AcronymsCabin Gas Analysis Unit
CGCChemistry AcronymsCapillary Gas Chromatography
CGCChemistry AcronymsCerebellar Granule Cells
CGCChemistry AcronymsConstrained Geometry Catalyst
CGCNASA AcronymsCommand Guidance Computer
CGCCChemistry AcronymsCoal Gasification/combined Cycle
CGCGChemistry AcronymsCatalog Of Galaxies And Clusters Of Galaxies
CGCGChemistry AcronymsCentral Giant Cell Granuloma
CGCPChemistry AcronymsCanadian Global Change Program
CGCPOrganizations AcronymsRoyal Society Of Canada. Canadian Global Change Program

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