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Acronyms starting with B Page 2

 Acronym Category Meaning
BAERChemistry AcronymsBrainstem Auditory Evoked Response
BAFChemistry AcronymsBioaccumulation Factor
BAFChemistry AcronymsBiological Aerated Filter
BAFFChemistry AcronymsB-cell Activating Factor
BAFOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBest And Final Offer
BAFOUS Military AcronymsBest And Final Offer
BAFTAUncategorized AcronymsBritish Academy Of Film And Television Arts
BAGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBoulder Aeronomy Group
BAGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBusting A Gut
BAGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBig Ass Grin
BAGIChemistry AcronymsBackscatter Absorption Gas Imaging
BAHUS Army Acronyms (Official)Basic Allowance For Housing (formerly BAQ)
BAHCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBiospheric Aspects Of The Hydrological Cycle
BAHCChemistry AcronymsBiospheric Aspects Of The Hydrological Cycle
BAIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBiosphere-Atmosphere Interactions Project
BAINASA AcronymsBarometric Altitude Indicator
BAIUncategorized AcronymsBattlefield Air Interdiction
BAIRChemistry AcronymsBiological Atlas Of Insulin Resistance
BAIRNASA AcronymsBreathing Air
BAKChatting AcronymsBack At Keyboard
BAKUncategorized AcronymsBashkir Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
BAKSMS Chat And Text AcronymsBack At Keyboard
BAKText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBack At Keyboard
BALChemistry AcronymsBlood Alcohol Level
BALChemistry AcronymsBroad Absorption Line
BALChemistry AcronymsBronchoalveolar Lavage
BALNASA AcronymsBalance
BALCOUncategorized AcronymsBay Area Laboratory Co-operative
BALFChemistry AcronymsBronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid
BALPChemistry AcronymsBone Alkaline Phosphatase
BALQSOChemistry AcronymsBroad Absorption Line Quasi-stellar Object
BALRChemistry AcronymsBroad Absorption Line Region
BALTUS Military AcronymsBarometric Altitude
BAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBerkeley Abstract Machine
BAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBrooklyn Arts Museum
BAMChemistry AcronymsBrewster Angle Microscopy
BAMUncategorized AcronymsBusiness Activity Monitoring -Bosnia And Herzegovina Convertible Mark (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
BAMUncategorized AcronymsBambara Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
BAMCUncategorized AcronymsBrooke Army Medical Center
BAMEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBow Echo And Mesoscale Convective Vortex (MCV) Experiment
BAMEXChemistry AcronymsBow Echo And MCV Experiment
BAMFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBad Ass Mother F*cker
BAMGARChemistry AcronymsBarium Magnesium Germanate Garnet
BAMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBulletin Of The American Meteorological Society
BANChemistry AcronymsBritish Approved Name (for Drugs)
BANNASA AcronymsBudget Allocation Notice
BANESTOUncategorized AcronymsBanco Espa?ol De Cr?dito (Spanish
BANSHEEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBeam Accelerator For Novel Super High Energy Electron
BANSHEEChemistry AcronymsBeam Accelerator For Novel Super High Energy Electron
BAOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBoulder Atmospheric Observatory
BAOChemistry AcronymsBest Atomic Orbital Basis
BAOUncategorized AcronymsBattlefield Air Operations
BAORUncategorized AcronymsBritish Army Of The Rhine
BAPChemistry AcronymsBioavailable Phosphorus
BAPIComputer And Internet AcronymsBusiness Application Programming Interface
BAPMONAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBaseline Air Pollution Monitoring Network
BAPMONChemistry AcronymsBackground Air Pollution Monitoring Network
BAQChemistry AcronymsBuilding Air Quality
BAQUS Army Acronyms (Official)Basic Allowance For Quarters; Basic Aircraft Qualification
BARUncategorized AcronymsBritish American Racing - Browning Automatic Rifle - Buy-American Restrictions
BARBNASA AcronymsBallast Aerating Retrieval Boom
BARBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBuy Abroad But Rent In Britain
BARCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBhabha Atomic Research Centre
BARCChemistry AcronymsBhabha Atomic Research Center
BARCChemistry AcronymsBottom Antireflective Coating
BARCUS Govt. AcronymsBeltsville Agricultural Research Center
BARDUncategorized AcronymsBinational Agricultural Research And Development Fund (between The US And Israel)
BARDAUncategorized AcronymsBiomedical Advanced Research & Development Agency
BARFChemistry AcronymsBest Available Retrofit Facility
BARITTChemistry AcronymsBarrier Injection Transient Time
BARONASA AcronymsBarometer
BARRNETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBay Area Regional Research Network
BARSNASA AcronymsBaseline Accounting And Reporting System
BARTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBiosphere Atmosphere Research And TRaining
BARTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBay Area Rapid Transit
BARTChemistry AcronymsBest Available Retrofit Technology
BARTChemistry AcronymsBiological Activity Reaction Test
BARTUncategorized AcronymsBay Area Rapid Transit
BASUncategorized AcronymsBattalion Aid Station
BASSMS Chat And Text AcronymsBig A** Smile
BASCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBarrow Arctic Science Consortium
BASCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBoard On Atmospheric Sciences And Climate
BASDNASA AcronymsBall Aerospace Systems Division
BASEUncategorized AcronymsBuilding
BASFChemistry AcronymsBadische Anilin- Und Soda-Fabrik
BASFUncategorized AcronymsBadische Anilin Und Soda Fabrik (German Chemicals Company)
BASHDChemistry AcronymsBand Selective Homonuclear Decoupling
BASICAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBeginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BASICUncategorized AcronymsBeginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (acronym Was Added Later
BASICComputer Acronyms (Common)Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BASICComputer And Internet AcronymsBeginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BASISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBattelle Automated Search Information System
BASSNASA AcronymsBackup Avionics System Software
BASTEChemistry AcronymsBay Area Sewage Toxics Emissions
BASTMChemistry AcronymsBeam-assisted Scanning Tunneling Microscope
BATChemistry AcronymsBack Arc Tectonics
BATChemistry AcronymsBest Available Technology
BATChemistry AcronymsBiol. Tolerance Value (German Std.)
BATChemistry AcronymsBrown Adipose Tissue
BATUncategorized AcronymsBasic Aid Training

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