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Acronyms starting with A Page 18

 Acronym Category Meaning
ALCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir-launched Cruise Missile
ALCOMChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Liquid Crystalline Optical Materials
ALCONText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAll Concerned
ALCVDChemistry AcronymsAtomic Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition
ALDChemistry AcronymsApproximate Lethal Dose
ALDChemistry AcronymsAtomic Layer Deposition
ALDUncategorized AcronymsAccounting Line Designator (nuclear Weapon Targeting)
ALDENAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlden Electronics
ALDFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAnimal Legal Defense Fund
ALDPAstronomy AcronymsAdvanced Launch Development Program
ALEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtmospheric Lifetimes Experiment
ALEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
ALEChemistry AcronymsAtmospheric Lifetime Experiment
ALEChemistry AcronymsAtomic Layer Epitaxy
ALE/GAGEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtmospheric Lifetime Experiment/Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment
ALECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAmerican Legislative Exchange Council
ALEPHChemistry AcronymsApparatus For LEP PHysics
ALERTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAutomated Local Evaluation In Real Time
ALERTNASA AcronymsAcute Launch Emergency Reliability Tip
ALERTUncategorized AcronymsAdvanced Linked Extended Reconnaissance And Targeting - Attack And Launch Early Reporting To Theatre
ALEXChemistry AcronymsAerosol LIDAR Experiment
ALEXISAstronomy AcronymsArray Of Low Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors
ALEXISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArray Of Low-energy X-ray Imaging Sensors
ALEXISChemistry AcronymsArray Of Low Energy X-Ray Imaging Sensors
ALFUncategorized AcronymsAfrica Leadership Forum - Alien Life Form - Animal Liberation Front
ALGOLUncategorized AcronymsALGOrithmic Language
ALGOLComputer And Internet AcronymsAlgorithmic Language
ALIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlpha/LAMP Integration
ALIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAnnual Limit On Intake
ALIChemistry AcronymsAcute Lung Injury
ALIChemistry AcronymsAnnual Limit On Intake
ALIASChemistry AcronymsAircraft Laser Infrared Absorption Spectrometer
ALICEChemistry AcronymsA Large Ion Collider Experiment
ALICEChemistry AcronymsAdiabatic Low-energy Injection And Confinement Experiment
ALICEChemistry AcronymsAcid-labile Isotope-coded Extractants
ALICEUS Army Acronyms (Official)All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
ALIPSChemistry AcronymsAutomated Laser-Induced Phosphorimeter System
ALJAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdministrative Law Judge
ALKChemistry AcronymsAnaplastic Lymphoma Kinase
ALLChemistry AcronymsAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
ALLUncategorized AcronymsAlbanian Lek (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
ALLWANISUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAll I Want Is You
ALMAChemistry AcronymsAnalytical Laboratory Managers Association
ALMAChemistry AcronymsAtacama Large Millimeter Array
ALMBEChemistry AcronymsAtomic Layer Molecular-beam Epitaxy
ALMRChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Liquid Metal Reactor
ALMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Line Molecular Spectroscopy
ALMSChemistry AcronymsAtomic Line Molecular Spectroscopy
ALMVChemistry AcronymsAlfalfa Mosaic Virus
ALNChemistry AcronymsAdaptive Learning Network
ALOAFUS Military AcronymsAsset Library Open Architecture Framework
ALOCUncategorized AcronymsAir Lines Of Communication
ALOCUncategorized AcronymsAverage Length Of Call
ALOHAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAirborne Lidar Observations And Hawaiian Airglow
ALOHAChemistry AcronymsAreal Location Of Hazardous Atmospheres
ALOLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsActually Laughing Out Loud
ALOLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsActually Laughing Out Loud
ALOMARChemistry AcronymsArctic Lidar Observatory For Middle Atm. Research
ALOOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlbuquerque Operations Office
ALOSChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Land Observation Satellite
ALOTBSOLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAlways Look On The Bright Side Of Life
ALOTSChemistry AcronymsAirborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System
ALPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAssemble Language Preprocessor
ALPChemistry AcronymsAlkaline Phosphatase
ALPMedical AcronymsAlkaline Phosphatase
ALPMedical AcronymsAlkaline Phosphatase
ALPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Acute Lead Poisoning - Gunshot Wound
ALP185Medical Acronyms (Slang)Acute Lead Poisoning, 185 Grain Injection - 9mm Gunshot Wound
ALP240Medical Acronyms (Slang)Acute Lead Poisoning, 240 Grain Injection 44 Calibre Magnum Wound
ALPAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAirline Pilots Association
ALPACMedical Acronyms (Slang)Acute Lead Poisoning Air-conditioned - Multiple Gun Shot Wounds
ALPALAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParallel Program Developed At LLNL
ALPEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlpine Experiment
ALPIDChemistry AcronymsAnalysis Of Large Plastic Incremental Deformation
ALPOAstronomy AcronymsAssociation Of Lunar And Planetary Observers
ALPRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArgonne Low Power Reactor
ALPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAccidental Launch Protection System
ALPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlternate Launch Point System
ALPSChemistry AcronymsAirborne Laser Polarization Sensor
ALPSChemistry AcronymsAutoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
ALPSUS Military AcronymsAutomated Library Publishing System
ALPTRACAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPart Of EUROTRAC
ALRChemistry AcronymsAllergenic Effects
ALRChemistry AcronymsAirlift-loop Reactor
ALRChemistry AcronymsAugmenter Of Liver Regeneration
ALRSSChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Land Remote Sensing System
ALRTUS Military AcronymsAlert
ALRUTSNASA AcronymsAutomated Line Replaceable Unit Tracking System
ALSAstronomy AcronymsAdvanced Launch System
ALSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvanced Launch System
ALSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvanced Light Source
ALSChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Light Source
ALSChemistry AcronymsAcetolactate Synthase
ALSChemistry AcronymsAcid Labile Subunit
ALSChemistry AcronymsAlternating Least Squares
ALSChemistry AcronymsAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ALSChemistry AcronymsAntilymphocyte Serum
ALSChemistry AcronymsAutonomous Listening Station
ALSNASA AcronymsAdvanced Launch System
ALSUncategorized AcronymsAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Automatic Landing System

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