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Acronyms starting with A Page 14

 Acronym Category Meaning
AGCMChemistry AcronymsAtmospheric General Circulation Model
AGDATSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir-Ground Data Telemetry System
AGDCUncategorized AcronymsAustralian Game Developers' Conference
AGDSUS Military AcronymsDeep Submergence Support Ship (misc)
AGEAstronomy AcronymsAuxiliary Ground Equipment
AGEChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Glycosylation End Product
AGEChemistry AcronymsAffinity Gel Electrophoresis
AGESCUBA Diving AcronymsAterial Gas Embolism
AGEHUS Military AcronymsHydrofoil Research Ship (misc)
AGFUS Military AcronymsMiscellaneous Command Ship
AGFAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvanced Gust Front Algorithm
AGFAChemistry AcronymsAsymptotic Green Function Approxn.
AGFFUS Military AcronymsFrigate Research Ship (misc)
AGFSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAviation Gridded Forecast Systems
AGGGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvisory Group On Greenhouse Gases
AGGGChemistry AcronymsAdvisory Group On Greenhouse Gases
AGIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAmerican Geological Institute
AGIChemistry AcronymsAmerican Geological Institute
AGIUncategorized AcronymsAuxiliary Group Intelligence
AGIDChemistry AcronymsAgar Gel Immunodiffusion
AGKWEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAnd God Knows What Else
AGLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAbove Ground Level
AGLChemistry AcronymsAbove Ground Level
AGLUncategorized AcronymsAbove Ground Level
AGLUS Military AcronymsAbove Ground Level
AGMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtmospheric Gas Measurements Section
AGMUncategorized AcronymsAnnual General Meeting
AGMUS Military AcronymsMissile Range Instrumentation Ship (misc)
AGMAChemistry AcronymsAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association
AGMIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Ain't Gonna Make It (won't Survive)
AGNAstronomy AcronymsActive Galactic Nucleus
AGNChemistry AcronymsActive Galactic Nuclei
AGNUncategorized AcronymsActive Galactic Nucleus
AGNESChemistry AcronymsAbsence Of Gradients And Nernstian Equilibrium Stripping
AGNICChemistry AcronymsAgriculture Network Information Center
AGNPSChemistry AcronymsAgricultural Non-point Source Pollution
AGOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAutomatic Geophysical Observatory
AGOUncategorized AcronymsAngola (ISO 3166 Trigram)
AGORUS Military AcronymsOceanographic Research Ship (misc)
AGOSUS Military AcronymsOcean Surveillance Ship (misc)
AGOSSNASA AcronymsAutomated Ground Operations Scheduling System
AGPChemistry AcronymsAlpha-1-acid Glycoprotein
AGPChemistry AcronymsAlpha-1-acid Glycoprotein
AGPChemistry AcronymsAlpha-1-acid Glycoprotein
AGPChemistry AcronymsAlpha-1-acid Glycoprotein
AGPChemistry AcronymsAlgal Growth Potential
AGPChemistry AcronymsAntisymmetrized Geminal Power (wave Function)
AGPChemistry AcronymsAntisymmetrized Geminal Product (wave Function)
AGPUncategorized AcronymsAccelerated Graphics Port
AGPUS Military AcronymsPatrol Craft Tender (misc)
AGPComputer Acronyms (Common)Accelerated Graphics Port
AGPComputer And Internet AcronymsAccelerated Graphics Port
AGRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvanced Gas-cooled Reactor
AGRChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Gas-cooled Reactor
AGRUS Military AcronymsAir To Ground Ranging
AGRICLIMSSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAgicultural Climate Service System
AGRICOLAUS Govt. AcronymsAgricultural OnLine Access
AGRPChemistry AcronymsAgouti-related Protein
AGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlternating-gradient Synchrotron
AGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAnnulus Gas System
AGSChemistry AcronymsAlternating Gradient Synchroton
AGSUncategorized AcronymsAlaska Ground Station (LandSat)
AGSUS Military AcronymsSurveying Ship (misc)
AGSGHuman Genome AcronymsAlliance Of Genetic Support Groups (now Genetic Alliance)
AGSIUS Military AcronymsStabilized Glide Slope Indicator (shipboard)
AGSSUS Military AcronymsAuxiliary Research Submarine (misc)
AGSTChemistry AcronymsAbove Ground Storage Tank
AGTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAbove-ground Test
AGTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvanced Ground Transport
AGTHuman Genome AcronymsAssociation Of Genetic Technologists
AGTSUncategorized AcronymsAdvanced Gunnery Training System
AGUAstronomy AcronymsAmerican Geophysical Union
AGUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAmerican Geophysical Union
AGUChemistry AcronymsAmerican Geophysical Union
AGUChemistry AcronymsAnhydroglucose Units
AGUUncategorized AcronymsAmerican Geophysical Union
AGWUncategorized AcronymsAutonomous Guided Weapon
AGWSEChemistry AcronymsAssociation Of Ground Water Scientists And Engineers
AHChemistry AcronymsAryl Hydrocarbon
AHUncategorized AcronymsAttack Helicopter
AHUncategorized AcronymsAmpere-hour
AHUncategorized AcronymsAttohenry
AHUS Military AcronymsHospital Ship (misc)
AHComputer And Internet AcronymsAuthentication Header
AHAChemistry AcronymsAmerican Heart Association
AHAChemistry AcronymsAnterior Hypothalamic Area
AHAHuman Genome AcronymsAmerican Heart Association
AHAUncategorized AcronymsAmerican Heart Association
AHAMChemistry AcronymsAmerican Household Appliance Manufacturers
AHCPRChemistry AcronymsAgency For Health Care Policy And Research
AHCPRUncategorized AcronymsAgency For Health Care Policy And Research (obsolete; Replaced With AHRQ)
AHCPRUS Govt. AcronymsAgency For Health Care Policy And Research (changed To AHRQ)
AHDUS Military AcronymsAhead
AHECUncategorized AcronymsAustralian Health Ethics Committee
AHERAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAsbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
AHERAChemistry AcronymsAsbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
AHFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvanced Hadron Facility
AHFChemistry AcronymsAntihemophilic Factor
AHFChemistry AcronymsApproximate Hartree-Fock Method
AHFMedical Acronyms (Slang)Acute Hissy Fit

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