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 Acronym Category Meaning
AFPROAstronomy AcronymsAir Force Plan Representative Office
AFPROAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Force Plan Representative Office
AFPROUS Military AcronymsAir Force Plant Representative Office
AFPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAWIPS Forecast Preparation System
AFQMCChemistry AcronymsAuxiliary-field Quantum Monte Carlo
AFQTUncategorized AcronymsArmed Forces Qualification Test
AFRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAudit Finding Report
AFRChemistry AcronymsAir To Fuel Ratio
AFRNASA AcronymsAir Force Regulation
AFRUncategorized AcronymsAfrikaans Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
AFRCUncategorized AcronymsAir Force Reserve Command
AFRCUS Govt. AcronymsAir Force Reserve Command
AFRICAChemistry AcronymsAsbestos Fiber Regular Informal Counting Arrangement
AFRLChemistry AcronymsAir Force Research Laboratory
AFRLUncategorized AcronymsAir Force Research Laboratory
AFRLUS Govt. AcronymsAir Force Research Laboratory
AFROTCUncategorized AcronymsAir Force Reserve Office Training Corps
AFROTCUS Govt. AcronymsAir Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
AFRPChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Fuel Recycle Program
AFRPChemistry AcronymsAramid Fiber-reinforced Plastic
AFRPLChemistry AcronymsAir Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (USA)
AFRRIUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
AFRSIAstronomy AcronymsAdvanced FRSI
AFRSIChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation
AFRTSUncategorized AcronymsArmed Forces Radio And Television Service
AFRTSUS Govt. AcronymsArmed Forces Radio And Television Service
AFSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAuxiliary Feedwater System
AFSChemistry AcronymsAIRS Facility Subsystem (subsystem Of AIRS)
AFSChemistry AcronymsAtomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy
AFSUncategorized AcronymsActive Front Steering - Air Facility Sub-System - Amniotic Fluid-derived Stem Cell
AFSUS Govt. AcronymsAir Facility Sub-System
AFSUS Military AcronymsA Distributed Product Of Transarc
AFSUS Military AcronymsCombat Store Ship (underway Replenishment)
AFS&A OR AFSAUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Air Force Studies And Analysis
AFSASAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Force Director For Strategic Force Analysis
AFSBChemistry AcronymsAnaerobic Fluidized Sludge Blanket
AFSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Force Systems Command
AFSCUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Air Force Staff College (obsolete; Replaced With JFSC). - U.S. Air Force Systems Command
AFSCUS Govt. AcronymsArmed Forces Staff College ˜˜(replaced By JFSC)
AFSCUS Military AcronymsAir Force Systems Command
AFSCUS Military AcronymsAir Force Speciality Code
AFSCFNASA AcronymsAir Force Satellite Control Facility
AFSCNUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Air Force Satellite Control Network
AFSEFChemistry AcronymsAIRS Facility Subsystem Emission Factors
AFSPCUncategorized AcronymsAir Force Space Command
AFSPCUS Govt. AcronymsAir Force Space Command
AFSSOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Force Special Security Office
AFTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAntifreeze Protein
AFTUncategorized AcronymsAmerican Farmland Trust
AFTUS Military AcronymsAfter
AFTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAbout F*cking Time
AFTANASA AcronymsAft Frame Tilt Actuator
AFTAUS Military AcronymsAdvanced First Term Avionics
AFTACAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Force Technical Applications Center
AFTENASA AcronymsAutogenic Feedback Training Experiment
AFTRBDYUS Military AcronymsAfterbody
AFUBRMedical Acronyms (Slang)All Fucked Up & Beyond Repair
AFUPChemistry AcronymsAlternative Fuels Utilization Program
AFVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlternative Fuel Vehicle
AFVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArmored Fighting Vehicle
AFVChemistry AcronymsAlternatively Fueled Vehicle
AFVUncategorized AcronymsArmoured Fighting Vehicle
AFVCChemistry AcronymsAbsorption Freeze Vapor Compression
AFWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAuxiliary Feedwater
AFWAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Force Weather Agency
AFWAUncategorized AcronymsAir Force Weather Agency - Association Of Fish And Wildlife Agencies
AFWLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Force Weapons Laboratory
AFWLUS Military AcronymsAir Force Weapons Laboratory
AFWTRAstronomy AcronymsUSAF's WTR
AFYAUncategorized AcronymsAnything To Fool Young Andy. Acronym That's Real Meaning Is Hidden.
AFZText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAcronym Free Zone
AGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlternating Gradient
AGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAustralia Group
AGUncategorized AcronymsAktiengesellschaft (German
AGUncategorized AcronymsAttogram
AGUncategorized AcronymsSilver (Latin Argentum)
AGUS Military AcronymsMiscellaneous Auiliary Ship
AGAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAutomatic Gas Analyzer
AGAChemistry AcronymsAmerican Gas Association
AGAMedical AcronymsAppropriate For Gestational Age
AGAUncategorized AcronymsAB Gas-accumulator (ah-gah
AGAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Acute Gravity Attack (fell Over)
AGALChemistry AcronymsAustralian Government Analytical Laboratories
AGARDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvisory Group For Aeronautical Research And Development
AGARDChemistry AcronymsAdvisory Group For Aerospace Research And Development
AGARDUncategorized AcronymsAdvisory Group For Aerospace Research And Development
AGARDOGRAPHUncategorized AcronymsAdvanced Guidance For Alliance Research And Development Publication
AGASAUncategorized AcronymsAkeno Giant Air Shower Array (cosmic Ray Detector)
AGASPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArctic Gas And Aerosol Sampling Program
AGASPChemistry AcronymsArctic Gas And Aerosol Sampling Program
AGBAstronomy AcronymsAsymptotic Giant Branch
AGBChemistry AcronymsAsymptotic Giant Branch (stars)
AGBUncategorized AcronymsInternal Nintendo Initialism (Advanced Game Boy) For Game Boy Advance
AGBUS Military AcronymsAccessory Gear Box
AGCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAutomatic Gain Control
AGCUncategorized AcronymsAdjutant General's Corps (British Army)
AGCUncategorized AcronymsApollo Guidance Computer - Automatic Gain Control
AGCIChemistry AcronymsAspen Global Change Institute
AGCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtmospheric General Circulation Models
AGCMChemistry AcronymsAdiabatic Generator Coordinate Method (for Energy Level Calcn.)

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