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 Acronym Category Meaning
ADTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAt Depth Test Facility
ADTTChemistry AcronymsAccelerator Driven Transmutation Technology
ADUChemistry AcronymsAnalog-to-digital Unit
ADUUS Military AcronymsAir Data Unit
ADUUS Military AcronymsAudio Distribution Unit
ADVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtmospheric Dump Valve
ADVChemistry AcronymsAleutian Mink Disease Parvovirus
ADV.Uncategorized AcronymsAdversus (Latin
ADVEISComputer And Internet AcronymsAnti-Virus Dependent Vulnerabilities In E-mail Infrastructure Security
ADVISARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAll Digital Video Imaging System For Atmospheric Research
ADWChemistry AcronymsAsymptotic Distorted Wave
ADWUncategorized AcronymsAir Defence Warning
ADWIOSChemistry AcronymsAdiabatic Distorted Wave Infinite Order Sudden
ADXPSChemistry AcronymsAngular Dependent X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
AEAstronomy Acronyms Arianespace SA
AEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtmospheric Explorer
AEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArchitect/engineer
AEChemistry AcronymsAcoustic Emission
AEUncategorized AcronymsArmed Forces Africa/Canada/Europe/Middle East (postal Symbol) - United Arab Emirates (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
AEUncategorized AcronymsAvestan Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
AEUS Military AcronymsAmmunition Ship (underway Replenishment)
AEMedical Acronyms (Slang)Aggressive Euthanasia - A Procedure That Obnoxious Patients Would Benefit From.
AE-CIChemistry AcronymsAll Electron-configuration Interaction
AEAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Energy Authority
AEAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Energy Act Of 1954
AEAChemistry AcronymsAcoustic Emission Analysis
AEAUS Military AcronymsAuxillary Engine Assembly
AEA-MOChemistry AcronymsAll-electron Approxn.-mol. Orbital
AEAPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAs Early As Possible
AEAPSChemistry AcronymsAuger-electron Appearance-potential Spectroscopy
AEBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAuxiliary Equipment Building
AECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAssociate Enforcement Counsel
AECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Energy Commision
AECChemistry AcronymsArea Of Environmental Concern
AECChemistry AcronymsAtomic Energy Commission
AECChemistry AcronymsAcceptable Effluent Concentration
AECHuman Genome AcronymsAtomic Energy Commission
AECAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArms Export Control Act
AECBChemistry AcronymsAtomic Energy Control Board
AECBChemistry AcronymsAcute Exacerbations Of Chronic Bronchitis
AECLOrganizations AcronymsAtomic Energy Of Canada Limited
AECMAChemistry AcronymsEuropean Association Of Aerospace Manufacturers
AEDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Emission Detector
AEDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Enforcement Division
AEDChemistry AcronymsAtomic Emission Detector
AEDChemistry AcronymsAuger Electron Diffraction
AEDMedical AcronymsAutomated External Defibrillator
AEDUncategorized AcronymsUnited Arab Emirates Dirham (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
AEDUS Military AcronymsActive Expendable Decoy
AEDCChemistry AcronymsArnold Engineering Development Center
AEDEChemistry AcronymsAnnual Effective Dose Equivalent
AEDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Energy Detection System
AEEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlliance For Environmental Education
AEEChemistry AcronymsAdverse Environmental Effect
AEENAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAgence Europeenne Pour L'Energie Nucleaire
AEERLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir And Energy Engineering Research Laboratory
AEERLChemistry AcronymsAir And Energy Engineering Research Laboratory (US EPA)
AEESChemistry AcronymsAuger Electron Emission Spectroscopy
AEFUncategorized AcronymsAmerican Expeditionary Force
AEFBusiness And FinanceAggregate External Finance
AEFCAChemistry AcronymsAll-electron Frozen-core Approximation
AEGNASA AcronymsAEG Telefunken
AEGISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtmosphere Ecosystem Gas Interchange Study
AEGISChemistry AcronymsATM European Group For Improvement Of Scenarios
AEGISUncategorized AcronymsAirborne Early Warning Ground Environment Interface Segment (fake Etymology)
AEGLChemistry AcronymsAcute Exposure Guideline Level
AEHAChemistry AcronymsArmy Environmental Hygiene Agency
AEHSChemistry AcronymsAssociation For The Environmental Health Of Soils
AEIChemistry AcronymsAvalanche Electron Injection
AEIUncategorized AcronymsT -Army Enterprise Infostructure-Transport
AEICChemistry AcronymsAnalytical Environmental Immunochemical Consortium
AELUS Military AcronymsAllowance Equipage List
AEMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsApplication Evaluation Matrix
AEMChemistry AcronymsAnalytical Electron Microscopy
AEMChemistry AcronymsAuger Electron Microscopy
AEMChemistry AcronymsAcoustic Emission Monitoring
AEMAChemistry AcronymsAuger Electron Microanalysis
AEMSUS Military AcronymsAircraft Engine Management System
AENAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdministrative Exception Note
AEOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Energy Organization
AEOUS Military AcronymsAll Engines Operating
AEOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAnalytic Equation-of-state
AEOSChemistry AcronymsAdvanced Electro-Optical System
AEPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAlkaline Earth Precipitate
AEPChemistry AcronymsAuditory Evoked Potential
AEPChemistry AcronymsAmerican Electric Power (USA)
AEPECSChemistry AcronymsAuger Electron-photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy
AEPIAstronomy AcronymsAtmospheric Emissions Photometric Imaging
AEPINASA AcronymsAtmospheric Emissions Photo Imaging
AEPSChemistry AcronymsAuger Electron Appearance Potential Spectroscopy
AEQ.Uncategorized AcronymsAequalis (Latin
AERAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdvanced Electric Reactor
AERAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAverage Evoked Response
AERAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAWIPS Forecast Preparation System
AERChemistry AcronymsAtmospheric And Environmental Research
AERCChemistry AcronymsAssociation Of Ecosystem Research Centers
AEREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Energy Research Establishment
AEREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAssociation Of Environmental & Resources Economists
AEREChemistry AcronymsAtomic Energy Research Establishment
AERISatellite Meterology AcronymsAtmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer

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