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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: ARCHIE

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Automated Resource For Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
ISTHInternational Society On Thrombosis And Hemostasis
SDCPASite-dependent Coherent Potential Approxn.
ORSTBOverlap-reduced Semiempirical Tight-binding
MVEMethyl Vinyl Ether
WRVWater Retention Value [of Cellulose Pulps For Paper Manufacture]
SAMPEXSolar Anomalous And Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (spacecraft)
RQCISD(spin) Restricted QCISD
ERLEnvironmental Research Laboratory
RLMReflected Light Microscopy
OMNMHCEOrganic Material Nonmethane Hydrocarbon Equivalent

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