| Acronym | Meaning |
| PUMP | Pure (alpha-spin-state) Unrestricted Moeller-Plesset Nth-order (wave Function) |
| SDQ-MBPT | Single-double-quadruple Excitation Many-body Perturbation Theory |
| SELEX | Systematic Evolution Of Ligands By Exponential Enrichment |
| ACPTQ | Approx. Coupled Pair (theory Cor. For Connected) Triple And Quadruple Excitations |
| GFIS | Gas Field Ion Source |
| CBR | Cosmic Background Radiation |
| SDD | Silicon Drift Detector |
| TSDF | Treatment, Storage, And Disposal Facility |
| ETAD | Ecological And Toxicological Association Of Dye And Organic Pigment Manufacturers |
| ILAP | Inter-Laboratory Analysis Program |