| Acronym | Meaning |
| AWR | (Alpha Whiskey Romeo) Allah's Waiting Room. |
| LLMF | Lost Like A Mother F*cker. |
| ECE | Equine-Canine Extravaganza; I.e. Dog And Pony Show - Useless Perfection Of Duty Or Equipment For (usually) Bored Commanders Or Press/media |
| SFUS | Standard F*cked Up Situation. |
| PCP | Pork Chop Platoon (Physical Conditioning Platoon) |
| GOBI | General Officer's Bright Idea - Usually Means The Opposite. |
| TARFU | Things Are Really Fucked Up. A Situation Worse Than SNAFU, But Not Quite FUBAR. |
| SSND | Same Sh*t, New Day |
| TU | (or Tango Uniform) Tits Up. Broken. Not Working. |
| AIDS | Army Induced Divorce Syndrome. |