| Acronym | Meaning |
| OCONUS | Outside CONtinental United States |
| SWAG | Scientific Wild-Ass Guess. A Close Approximation. |
| PFC | Pointless F*cking Chevron; Also Abbreviation For The Rank Of Private First Class |
| FTA | F*ck The Army; Fun Travel Adventure; Or Follow The Airborne |
| FIDO | "F*ck It. Drive On" Equivalent Of "Sh*t Happens" |
| SOS | Same Old Sh*t; Sh*t On A Shingle (Creamed Chipped Beef On Toast/biscuit, A Breakfast Staple). |
| BTDTBTTS | Been There, Done That, Bought The T-Shirt |
| FODA | F*ck Off And Die Asshole. Note: Foda Is Also Portuguese For Fuck. When Said By Itself, It Can Have The Same Connotation As "F*ck Off And Die, Asshole." |
| KMAG YO-YO | Kiss My Ass, Guys, You're On Your Own |
| JANFU | Joint Army-Navy F*ck-up. |