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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: CCFCCP

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Coo-coo For Co-Co Puffs (dementia Or Similar)

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SOCMOBStanding On Corner Minding Own Business (when Inexplicably Injured)
PIAPain In The Ass
FUBARF*cked Up Beyond All Repair / Recognition
TTTRTooth To Tattoo Ratio - Visual Determination Of Basic Intelligence. A Positive Ratio (more Teeth Then Tattoos) Is Generally Better Than A Negative Ratio, Which Is Bad.
UGLIUgly: A Patient (usually A Child) Who Looks A Bit Odd But Has Nothing Wrong With Them
ITBNTLIn The Box, Nail The Lid (dead Or Dying)
ATSAcute Thespian Syndrome: Faking Illness; Known In US As MGM Syndrome
D&DDivorced And Desperate (middle Aged Female Who Visits Doctor Weekly Just For Male Attention)
QIDQueen In Distress (hissy Fit)
RHSRocking Horse Stool - Even Rarer Than Hen's Teeth

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