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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: AWTB

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Away With The Birds; A Patient Who Is Totally Confused

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
4H(US) Haemophiliac, Hispanic, Homosexual, Heroin Addict
PIAPain In The Ass
DFO-SFJDone Fell Out - Screaming For Jesus
PAAFPissed As A Fart (also PIAF -PIssed As A Fart)
JPSJust Plain Stupid (self Induced Injury Involving Lack Of Common Sense)
VIPVery Intoxicated Person
RPVURelative Porsche Value Unit: Surgical Index Of Potential Income From The Repair Of Patient Injuries, Usually Orthopaedic In Nature. Fractured Finger = A Windscreen Wiper; A Fractured Hip = New Tyres Etc.
ECEternal Care - Intensive Care (for A Patient Who Won't Come Out Again)
ATFOAsked To Fuck Off
DPS(General Practice) Droopy Penis Syndrome: A Patient Wanting Viagra Prescription

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