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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: APD

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Acute Prozac Deficiency (depression)

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
UNIVACUnusually Nasty Infection, Vultures Are Circling
ERCPEmergency Retrograde Clerking Of Patient, An Emergency Procedure Before The Consultant Rounds
FLBFunny Little Bumps (unexplained Skin Bumps)
HLCSHappy Little Campers - Children In Oxygen Tents
LOLFDGBLittle Old Lady, Fall Down, Go Boom
LFTWMLooking For 3 Wise Men (applied To Young Pregnant Females Who Deny Having Had Intercourse)
ECUEternal Care Unit: Heaven ("gone To The ECU" = Dead)
NFSNeuro-faecal Syndrome - Sh*t For Brains
AQRAin't Quite Right
COPDChronic Old Persons Disease (unwell, No Specific Cause)

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