| Acronym | Meaning |
| SNAFU | Situation Normal: All F*cked Up |
| FIIGMO | F*ck It, I've Got My Orders (a.k.a. "Short-timer's Disease") |
| FTN | F*ck The Navy; Fun Time Navy |
| AIDS | Army Induced Divorce Syndrome. |
| GI | Government Issue; Originally Used For Government Supplied Equipment, Often Used By Soldiers To Refer To Themselves. |
| GFAG | Go F*ck A Goat |
| PCP | Pork Chop Platoon (Physical Conditioning Platoon) |
| RLO | Regular Line Officer |
| GOBI | General Officer's Bright Idea - Usually Means The Opposite. |
| UAFB | "Useful As A Football Bat." Anyone Who Cannot Perform Even Simple Duties Due To Incompetence, And As Such Has No Useful Application Or Purpose. |