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Acronym: BTDT

Category: US Army Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Been There, Done That

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
CDATComputerized Dumb-Ass Tanker (in The Era Of Modern Weaponry)
DILLIGAFFDo I Look Like I Give A Flying F*ck?
ECEEquine-Canine Extravaganza; I.e. Dog And Pony Show - Useless Perfection Of Duty Or Equipment For (usually) Bored Commanders Or Press/media
NFGNo F*cking Good, A.k.a. Busted, Non Functional, Broken. Also "New F*cking Guy"
ARMYAin't Ready For The Marines Yet; Airforce Rejected Me Yesterday; Aren't Really Men Yet
FYYFFF*ck You, You F*cking F*ck
FUBBF*cked Up Beyond Belief (A Worst-Case Scenario)
USMCUniversity Of Science And Mystical Culture
NDGNo Damn Good
SNAFUSituation Normal: All F*cked Up

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