| Acronym | Meaning |
| LN | Lingala Language (ISO 639-1 Code) - Natural Logarithm |
| GOSH | Great Ormond Street Hospital |
| RIF | Reduction In Force (layoffs) - Resistance Index For Frostbite |
| NSO | National Standardization Office (ABCA) |
| RON | Romanian Language (ISO 639-2 Code) |
| ASBL | Association Sans But Lucratif (French Non-profit Organisation) |
| MIT | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology - Methylisothiazoline - Milli Istihbarad Teskilati (Intelligence Service Of Turkey) |
| ISAF | International Sailing Federation - International Security Assistance Force |
| ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
| POM | Program Objective Memorandum - PolyOxyMethylene |