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Acronym: ITW

Category: SCUBA Diving Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Instructor Training Workshop (BSAC)

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
BFKBig F*cking Knife (reference To The Diver's Knife)
IDCInstructor Development Course (PADI)
SCUHASelf-contained Underwater Heating Apparatus (urinating In Your Wet Suit).
SCUBASelf Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus
IDEAInternational Diving Educators Association; Diving Instruction Organization.
ADTActual Dive Time
BHABritish Hyperbaric Association
EARExpired Air Resuscitation
DLDive Leader (BSAC)
OW(D)Open Water (Diver) (PADI)

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