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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: PRINS

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Primed In Situ DNA Synthesis

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
EFISHElec. Field-induced 2nd-harmonic Generation
GAIMGlobal Analysis Interpretation And Modeling
CCCLCComplex-coordinate Coupled-Landau-channel (method In Calcns. On Autoionizing Resonances)
PWETFPlane-wave Electronic Translational Factor (ion-atom Collisions)
DRLFPDiffuse Reflectance Laser Flash Photolysis
LAPLaboratory Analytical Protocol
DFADetrended Fluctuation Analysispar
LECDLifetime Equivalent Constant Dose
ILSIntracavity Laser Spectroscopy
TSWTorsional Spin Wave (type Of Hartree-Fock Wave Function)

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