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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: MRISSA

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Municipal Refuse Incineration System Simulation And Analysis Model

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
MWMMeandering Winding Magnetometer
SU-MRCCState Universal-multireference Coupled Cluster
SSOPSequence Specific Oligonucleotide Probe
EBPVDElectron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition
DRSDielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy
GRHFGeneralized Restricted Hartree-Fock
DITDiffusive Interfacial Transport
FWAFluorescent Whitening Agent
HREHormone-responsive Element
TRACETransport And Atmospheric Chemistry Near The Equator

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