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Satellite Meterology Acronyms Page 2

 Acronym Meaning
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency (U.S.)
EPSEuropean Polar Satellite
ER-2 Earth Resources (plane)
ERBEEarth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERBSEarth Radiation Budget Satellite
EROSEarth Resources Observing System
ERSESA Remote Sensing Satellite
ERSCEnvironmental Remote Sensing Center (IES)
ESEEarth Science Enterprise (NASA)
ESMRElectrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer
ESOCEuropean Satellite Operations Center
ESSAEnvironmental Science Services Administration (preceded NOAA)
ESSPEarth System Science Pathfinder Mission (ESSP)
EUMETSATEUropean Organization For The Exploitation Of METeorological SATellites
FLAMBEFire Locating And Monitoring Of Burning Emissions
FSLForecast Systems Laboratory (a NOAA ERL)
FTS Fourier Transform Spectrometer (HIS
GACGlobal Area Coverage
GARSGOES Archive And Retrieval System
GASPGOES Aerosol Smoke Product
GEOSATGEOdetic SATellite
GEWEXGlobal Energy And Water Cycle EXperiment (WCRP)
GIFTSGeosynchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer
GLOBEGlobal Learning And Observations To Benefit The Environment
GMSGeostationary Meteorological Satellite
GMTGreenwich Mean Time (repl. By UTC)
GOESGeostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GPSGlobal Positioning System
H2OWater (vapor)
HIMSSHIgh-resolution Microwave Spectrometer Sounder
HIRDLSHIgh-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (EOS)
HIRESHIgh RESolution
HIRISHIgh-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (EOS)
HIRSHigh-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
HISHigh-resolution Interferometer Sounder
HRIRHigh Resolution Infrared Radiometer
HSBHumidity Sounder For Brazil
HSRLHigh Spectral Resolution Lidar
HSTHubble Space Telescope
IESInstitute For Environmental Studies (UW)
IMAPPInternational MODIS/AIRS Processing Package
IMGInterferometric Monitor For Greenhouse Gases
IRISInfrared Radiation Interferometer Spectrometer (1960s)
ITOSImproved Television And Infrared Observation Satellite (1970s)
ITSInterferometer Thermal Sounder (HIS)
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory
JSC Johnson Space Center (NASA
K Kilo
KB/SKilobits Per Second

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