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MS Symptoms Early

Nasa Acronyms Page 89

 Acronym Meaning
MINWMaster Interface Network
MIOManagement Integration Office
MIOSMulti-IMU Operation System
MIPMandatory Inspection Point
MIPMMU Integration Plan
MIPModification Instruction Package
MIPRMilitary Intergovernmental Purchase Request
MIPSMerritt Island Press Site
MIRMalfunction Investigation Report
MISManagement Information System
MISManipulator Jettison System (Subsystem)
MISMission Information Subsystem
MITMassachusetts Institut@ Of Technology (CSDL)
MITMaster InstructionTape
MIUMultiplex Interface Unit
MJCAMidbody Jettison Control Assembly
MKTIMission Kit Technical Instruction
MLMiddeck Left
MLMobile Launcher
MLMold Line
MLPED Mobile Launcher Pedestal
MLBMultilayer Board
MLCMobile Launcher Computer
MLFMDM Launch Forward
MLGMain Landing Gear
MLGMain Landing Gear
MLIMultilayer Insulation
MLLMDM Launch Left
MLPMobile Launch (Launcher) Platform
MLPMobile Launcher Platform
MLRMDM Launch Right
MLRMonodisperse Latex Reactor
MLSMicrowave Landing System
MLSMicrowave Landing System
MLWMaximum Landing Weight
MMMain Memory
MMMain Module
MMMajor Mode
MMMajor Mode Or Mass Memory
MMMass Memory
MMMath Model
MMMission Manager
MMACSMaintenance Management And Control System
MMASMaterial Management Accounting (Accountability) System
MMCMartin Marietta Corporation

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