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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 7

 Acronym Meaning
ADEAdverse Drug Event
ADEOSAdvanced Earth Observing Satellite
ADEPTAntibody-directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy
ADESAngle-dispersed Electron Spectroscopy
ADFActin-Depolymerizing Factor
ADFAcid Detergent Fiber
ADFAdult T-cell Leukemia-derived Factor
ADFAnnular Dark-field
ADGIXAAngular-dependent Glancing-incidence X-ray Analysis
ADHAlcohol Dehydrogenase (reg: 9031-72-5)
ADHAntidiuretic Hormone
ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADIAcceptable Daily Intake
ADIAlternating Direction Implicit (method)
ADIAustempered Ductile Iron
ADIFABAcrylodan Labeled Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein
ADIOSAsian Dust Inputs To The Ocean System
ADISAdvanced Drilling Information System [petroleum]
ADLAnalytical Detection Limit
ADMETAcyclic Diene Metathesis
ADMIAmerican Dye Manufacturers Institute
ADMISAgfa Document Management Information System
ADMRAbsorption Detected Magnetic Resonance
ADMROAngular Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillation
ADMSAtmospheric Dispersion Modeling System
ADOAverage Dipole Orientation
ADOMAcid Deposition And Oxidant Model (air Pollution)
ADONISArticle Delivery Over Network Information Systems
ADPAuger Depth Profiling
ADPAdenosine Diphosphate (RN 58-64-0)
ADPDAngular-dependent Photoelectron Diffraction
ADPIAir Diffuser Performance Index
ADPICAtmospheric Dispersion Particle-in-Cell
ADPKDAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
ADPTAuger Depth Profiling Technique
ADPVAdsorptive Differential Pulse Voltammetry
ADRAdverse Drug Reaction
ADRFAdiabatic Demagnetization In The Rotating Frame
ADSAccelerator Driven System
ADSAnnular Denuder System
ADSAAxisymmetric Drop-shape Analysis
ADSTAverage Daily Soil Temperature
ADTAir Dry Ton [of Cellulose Pulp]
ADTTAccelerator Driven Transmutation Technology
ADUAnalog-to-digital Unit
ADVAleutian Mink Disease Parvovirus
ADWAsymptotic Distorted Wave
ADWIOSAdiabatic Distorted Wave Infinite Order Sudden

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