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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 41

 Acronym Meaning
CAROLCentralized Air Emissions Repository On-Line
CARPTComputer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking
CARRIComputerized Assessment Of Relative Risk Impacts
CARSCorrective Action Reporting System (now Known As RCRIS)
CARSCoherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy
CARTClassification And Regression Tree (method In Statistical Analysis)
CARTCloud And Radiation Testbed
CARTCocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript
CARTSCritical Actions Requirements Tracking System
CASChemical Abstracts Service
CAS-CIComplete Active Space-configuration Interaction
CAS-MC-SCFComplete Active Space-multiconfiguration-SCF
CAS-SCFComplete Active Space SCF (a CI-type Method)
CAS-SIComplete Active Space-state Interaction
CASACClean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (US EPA)
CASARMChemical Agent Standard Analytical Reference Material
CASEComputer Assisted Structure Elucidation
CASECoordinated Air Sea Experiment
CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering
CASHCaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O System
CASICompact Airborne Spectrographic Imager
CASPComputer-assisted Synthesis Planning
CASPTComplete Active Space-perturbation Theory
CASPT2Complete Active Space With Second-order Perturbation Theory
CASRChemical Activity Status Report
CASRNChemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
CASSComputer Assisted Stratification And Sampling
CASSCyclic Activated Sludge System
CASSCFComplete Active Space-self Consistent Field
CASSCF-CCIComplete Active Space Self-consistent Field-contracted CI
CASSSCalifornia Separation Science Society
CASTCERN Axion Solar Telescope
CASTCouncil For Agricultural Science And Technology
CASTCyclic Activated Sludge Technol.
CASTNETClean Air Status And Trends Network
CASV-MC-SCFComplete Active Space Valence Space-multiconfiguration-SCF
CATChloramphenicol Acetyltransferase
CATClear Air Turbulence
CATComputer-aided Tomography
CATAComputer-aided Thermal Anal.
CATCCyanide Amenable To Chlorination
CATSCorrective Action Tracking System
CATSATCooperative Astrophysics And Technology Satellite
CATSICompact Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
CAUCarbon Adsorption Unit
CAUGAClifford Algebra Unitary Group Approach
CAWCarbon Arc Welding
CAWAICommission On Atomic Weights And Isotope Abundances
CAWCCryogenic Aerosol Wafer Cleaning
CAWGClean Air Working Group

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