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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 232

 Acronym Meaning
ROMRead Only Memory
ROMRegional Oxidant Model
ROMReverse Osmosis Membrane
ROMNETRegional Ozone Modeling For Northeast Transport
ROMPRestricted Open-shell Moeller-Plesse
ROMPRing-opening Metathesis Polymerization
RONResearch Octane Number
RONALDRocketborne Optical Neutral Gas Analyzer With Laser Diodes
ROPRing-opening Polymerization
ROSReactive Oxygen Species
ROSRestricted (or Roothaan) Open-shell (Hamiltonian)
ROSATRoentgen Satellite
ROSDALRepresentation Of Organic Structure Description Arranged Linearly
ROSERegional Oxidants In The SouthEast
ROSEResearch On Ozone In The Stratosphere And Its Evolution
ROSEResidual Organic Substance Emissions
ROSERemote Optical Sensing Of Emissions
ROSEResidual Oil Supercritical Extraction
ROSHRegistry Of Occupational Safety And Health
ROSINARosetta Orbiter Spectrometer For Ion And Neutral Analysis
ROSSRiver Oil Spill Simulation
ROSS2River Oil Spill Simulation 2 Layer Model
ROVRemotely Operated Vehicle
ROVPReactance Operator Variational Principle
ROWPUReverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
RPReinforced Plastics
RP/CReinforced Plastics/composite
RP/MReinforced Plastics/mortar
RPARNase Protection Assay
RPARandom Phase Approximation
RPAERandom Phase Approximation With Exchange
RPCRegional Planning Commission
RPCRotation Planar Chromatography
RPCReduced Potential Curve (method For Anal. Of Potential Functions And Spectra Of Diatomic Molecules)
RPCReversed-phase Chromatography
RPCRRestricted Principal Component Regression
RPCVDRemote Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
RPDRelative Percent Difference
RPDRetarding Potential Difference
RPDWRRevised Primary Drinking Water Regulations
RPERetinal Pigment Epithelium
RPECVDRemote Plasma-enhanced Chemical-vapor Deposition
RPEHMORelativistically Parametrized Extended Hueckel MO
RPFRenal Plasma Flow
RPIRadius Polydispersity Index
RPIPCReversed-phase Ion-pair Chromatography
RPJRadio-frequency Plasma Jet
RPLRadio Photoluminescence
RPLCReversed-phase Liquid Chromatography
RPMRegional Project Managers

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