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Chemistry Acronyms Page 218

 Acronym Meaning
PSNOPseudonatural Orbital
PSNSPretreatment Standards For New Sources
PSOMPseudostate Optical Model
PSPPressure-sensitive Paint
PSPPancreatic Stone Protein
PSPParalytic Shellfish Poison
PSPProgressive Supranuclear Palsy
PSPCPosition Sensitive Proportional Counter
PSPRPerfectly Stirred Pulsed Reactor
PSRAPulse Surface Reaction Rate Analysis
PSRGPosition-space Renormalization Group (for D.-of-states Calcns.)
PSRIPlanetary Sciences Research Institute
PSRPProcess To Significantly Reduce Pathogens (of EPA)
PSSPerturbed Stationary State
PSSPrimary Sewage Sludge
PSSRPerturbed Stationary State With Relativistic Effects
PSTPorcine Somatotropin
PSTCPressure Sensitive Tape Council
PSTLPhotostimulated Thermoluminescence
PSTMPhoton Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
PSUPractical Salinity Units
PSXDPosition Sensitive X-ray Detector
PSZPartially-stabilized Zirconia
PTPerturbation Theory
PT-MVDPerturbation Theory (with) Mass-velocity And Darwin (operators)
PT2DSecond-order Perturbation Theory (with) Diagonal (part Of Fock Matrix)
PT2FSecond-order Perturbation Theory (with) Fock (matrix)
PTAPacked Tower Aeration
PTAPlasma Transferred Arc
PTAPulse Thermal Analysis
PTAWPlasma Transfer Arc Weld
PTBPhosphotyrosine Binding
PTCPhase Transfer Catalysis
PTCPositive Temperature Coefficient [elec. Conducting Material]
PTCAPercutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
PTCRPositive Temperature Coefficient Of Resistance (of Semiconductors)
PTDProbable Toxic Dose
PTDPhotothermal Deflection
PTDProtein Transduction Domain
PTDSPhotothermal Deflection Spectroscopy
PTEAMParticle Total Exposure Assessment Methodology
PTEFPhotochem. Thermodynamic Efficiency Factor
PTENPhosphatase And Tensin Homolog (mutated In Multiple Advanced Cancers 1)
PTGCProgrammed-temperature Gas Chromatography
PTGFPerturbative-type Green Function
PTGSPicosecond Transient Grating Spectroscopy
PTGSPost-transcriptional Gene Silencing
PTHParathyroid Hormone
PTIPositive Thermal Ionization (for Mass Spectrometry)

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