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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 158

 Acronym Meaning
LITLinear Ion Trap
LITALaser-induced Thermal Acoustics
LITDLased Induced Thermal Desorption
LITGSLaser Induced Thermal Grating Spectroscopy
LITJLaser-Induced Temperature Jump
LIVALight-induced Voltage Alteration
LKKRLayer Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (in Interface Electronic Structures)
LLCLewis Lung Carcinoma
LLCLyotropic Liquid Crystal
LLDLower Limit Of Detection
LLDPELinear Low Density Polyethylene
LLELiquid Liquid Extraction
LLITLiq.-liq. Intermol. Transfer
LLMELiquid-liquid Micro Extraction
LLNLLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LLODLower Limit Of Detection
LLOQLower Limit Of Quantitation
LLRDLong-lived Radioactive Dust
LLRWLow Level Radioactive Waste
LLSLaser Light Scattering
LLSLinear-least Squares
LLTLaser Luminescence Tomography
LLWLow-Level Waste
LMCLarge Magellanic Cloud
LMCLaminated Metal Composite
LMCLow-pressure Molding Compound
LMCTLigand-to-metal Charge Transfer
LMDPELinear Medium Density Polyethylene
LMELiquid-metal Embrittlement
LMFLadle Metallurgical Facility
LMFBRLiquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor
LMHEMTLattice Matched High Electron Mobility Transistor
LMISLiquid Metal Ion Source
LMMSLaser-microprobe Mass Spectrometry
LMOLocalized Molecular Orbital
LMOLocalized Molecular Spin Orbital
LMOSLake Michigan Ozone Study
LMPLaser Microprobe
LMRLaser Magnetic Resonance
LMRLiquid Metal Reactor
LMREELight-medium Rare Earth Element(s)
LMSALinear Multivariate Statistical Analysis
LMSALLockheed Martin Solar And Astrophysics Laboratory
LMTLiquid Membrane Transport
LMTDLogarithmic Mean Temperature Difference
LMTOLinear Muffin-tin Orbital
LMWLow Molecular Weight
LMWHLow-molecular-weight Heparin
LMXBLow-mass X-ray Binaries
LNALocked Nucleic Acid

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