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Acronyms starting with V Page 6

 Acronym Category Meaning
VMSUS Military AcronymsVax Virtual Monitor System
VMSComputer And Internet AcronymsVirtual Memory System
VMTChemistry AcronymsVehicle Miles Traveled
VNUncategorized AcronymsVietnam (ISO 3166 Digram)
VNDUncategorized AcronymsVietnamese ??ng (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
VNIRUncategorized AcronymsVisible And Near InfraRed
VNIROAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRussian Federal Research Institute Of Fisheries And Oceanography
VNMUncategorized AcronymsVietnam (ISO 3166 Trigram)
VNSChemistry AcronymsVicarious Nucleophilic Substitution
VNSUncategorized AcronymsVirtual Network System
VNTRChemistry AcronymsVariable No. Of Tandem Repeat
VNTSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVolpe National Transportation Systems Center
VNV M/C USAUncategorized AcronymsViet Nam Vet's Motorcycle Club USA
VOChemistry AcronymsValence Orbital
VOChemistry AcronymsVirtual Orbital
VONASA AcronymsShuttle Operations (KSC Directorate)
VONASA AcronymsSpace Vehicle Operations (KSC Dir.)
VONASA AcronymsVehicle Operations
VONASA AcronymsVelocity Initial
VONASA AcronymsVoice
VOUncategorized AcronymsVolapk Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
VO/CIChemistry AcronymsVirtual Orbital/configuration Interaction
VOAChemistry AcronymsVariable Optical Attenuator
VOAChemistry AcronymsVibrational Optical Activity
VOAChemistry AcronymsVolatile Organic Analysis
VOAChemistry AcronymsVolatile Organic Aromatic Compounds
VOAUS Govt. AcronymsVoice Of America
VOBComputer And Internet AcronymsVoice Over Broadband
VOCChemistry AcronymsViable Organism Count
VOCChemistry AcronymsVolatile Organic Compound(s)
VOCUncategorized AcronymsVereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) - Volatile Organic Compounds
VOCUS Military AcronymsVolts Open Circuit
VOCSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVolatile Organic Compounds
VODChemistry AcronymsVacuum-oxygen Decarburization
VODChemistry AcronymsVeno-occlusive Disease
VODUS Military AcronymsVertical On-board Delivery
VODSLComputer And Internet AcronymsVoice Over Digital Subscriber Line
VOFChemistry AcronymsVolatile Org. Fraction
VOFChemistry AcronymsVolume Of Fluid
VOFFChemistry AcronymsValence Orbital Force Field
VOHAPChemistry AcronymsVolatile Organic Hazardous Air Pollutant
VOIEChemistry AcronymsValence Orbital Ionization Energy
VOIPChemistry AcronymsValence Orbital Ionization Potential
VOIPUncategorized AcronymsVoice Over Internet Protocol
VOIPComputer Acronyms (Common)Voice Over Internet Protocol
VOIPComputer And Internet AcronymsVoice Over Internet Protocol
VOIRAstronomy AcronymsVenus Orbiting Imaging Radar
VOIRNASA AcronymsVenus Orbiter Imaging Radar
VOLNASA AcronymsVolume
VOLUncategorized AcronymsVolapk Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
VOLTUncategorized AcronymsVisual OpenType Layout Tool
VOMNASA AcronymsVoltohmmeter
VOMDNASA AcronymsVAFB Operations And Maintenance Documentation
VOMITMedical Acronyms (Slang)Victim Of Modern Imaging Technology (i.e. Try Treating The Patient, Not The Report From Radiology; Particularly Referring To Invasive Procedures For False Positives.
VONUncategorized AcronymsVictorian Order Of Nurses
VORAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVHF Omnidirectional Range
VORAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVisual Omnirange
VORNASA AcronymsVHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
VORUncategorized AcronymsVHF Omnidirectional Ranging
VORUS Military AcronymsVhf Omnidirectional Range
VOR-DMENASA AcronymsVHF Omni Range-UHF Distance Measuring Equipment
VOR/ILS/MBUS Military AcronymsVhf Omni Range/instrument Landing System/marker Beacon
VORTACAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVery High Frequency (omnirange) TACAN (tactical Air Navigation System)
VORTACNASA AcronymsVariable Omni Range Tactical (VOR And TACAN)
VORTACNASA AcronymsVHF Omni Range Tactical Air Navigation
VORTEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVerification Of Tornadoes Experiment
VOSTChemistry AcronymsVolatile Organic Sampling Train
VOTNASA AcronymsVHF Omni Test
VOTEChemistry AcronymsVortex Ozone Transport Experiment
VOXNASA AcronymsVoice Operated Transmitter (Transmission)
VOXUncategorized AcronymsVoice Operated Oscillator
VPNASA AcronymsShuttle Payloads (KSC VO Dir.
VPNASA AcronymsVacuum Pump
VPNASA AcronymsVerification Polarization
VPNASA AcronymsVertical Polarization
VPNASA AcronymsViewpoint
VPUncategorized AcronymsVice-President (veep)
VPAChemistry AcronymsVaried Portions Approach
VPAMChemistry AcronymsVariable Phase Amplitude Method (for Electron-atom Scattering)
VPBMedical AcronymsVentricular Premature Beat
VPCChemistry AcronymsVapor-phase Chromatography
VPCMedical AcronymsVentricular Premature Contraction
VPDChemistry AcronymsVapor Phase Decomposition
VPDChemistry AcronymsVapor Pressure Deficit
VPDBChemistry AcronymsVienna Peedee Belemnite
VPEChemistry AcronymsVapor-phase Epitaxy
VPEADChemistry AcronymsValence Photoelectron Angular Distribution
VPEEMChemistry AcronymsValence Band Photoemission Electron Microscopy
VPFAstronomy AcronymsVertical Processing Facility
VPFNASA AcronymsVertical Processing Facility
VPFNASA AcronymsVertical Processing Facility
VPHDNASA AcronymsVertical Payload Handling Device
VPINASA AcronymsValve Position Indicator
VPIComputer Acronyms (Common)Virtual Path Identifier
VPKNASA AcronymsVolts Peak
VPMChemistry AcronymsVariable Phase Method (for Electron-atom Scattering Calcns.)
VPMNASA AcronymsVehicle ProjectManager
VPNChemistry AcronymsVirtual Private Network
VPNUncategorized AcronymsVirtual Private Network
VPNComputer Acronyms (Common)Virtual Private Network

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