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Acronyms starting with V Page 2

 Acronym Category Meaning
VATFNASA AcronymsVibration And Acoustic Test Facility
VAWIChemistry AcronymsVariable Wavelength Interferometry
VAWOUS Govt. AcronymsViolence Against Women Office
VAXUS Military AcronymsDigital Equipment Corp 32 Bit Mini-computer
VAXComputer And Internet AcronymsVirtual Address Extension
VAZCChemistry AcronymsVibrationally Adiabatic Zero Curvature (quantum Calcn. Approxn.)
VBChemistry AcronymsValence Bond
VBUncategorized AcronymsVictoria Bitter (beer) - Visual Basic
VBAUncategorized AcronymsVisual Basic For Applications
VBAUS Govt. AcronymsVeterans Benefits Administration
VBAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Valuable Breathing Air; I.e. What Some Patients Or Doctors Are Wasting
VBACMedical AcronymsVaginal Birth After Caeserean
VBCIChemistry AcronymsValence Bond Configuration Interaction
VBEComputer And Internet AcronymsVesa Bios Extension
VBGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsVery Big Grin
VBGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsVery Big Grin
VBHLChemistry AcronymsValence Bond Heitler-London (wave Function)
VBIEDUS Army Acronyms (Official)Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
VBMChemistry AcronymsValence-band Model (in Electronic Structure Calcns.)
VBNSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVery High Performance Backbone Network Service
VBNSComputer And Internet AcronymsVery High-speed Backbone Network Service
VBRChemistry AcronymsVariational Basis Representation (in Quantum Calcns.)
VBSChemistry AcronymsVirtual Bound State Model
VBSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsVery Big Smile
VBSCFChemistry AcronymsValence Bond Self-consistent Field
VBSEGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsVery Big S**t-eating Grin
VBTMedical Acronyms (Slang)Very Bad Thing
VBXESChemistry AcronymsValence Band X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
VBXPSChemistry AcronymsValence Bond X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
VCChemistry AcronymsVapor Compression
VCChemistry AcronymsVital Capacity (lung Function)
VCNASA AcronymsVector Character
VCNASA AcronymsVelocity Counter
VCUncategorized AcronymsSaint Vincent And The Grenadines (FIPS 10-4 Country Code; ISO 3166 Digram) -Victoria Cross
VCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsVenture Capital
VCAChemistry AcronymsVirtual Crystal Approximation
VCAM-1Chemistry AcronymsVascular Cell Adhesion Mol. 1
VCAPNASA AcronymsVehicle Charging And Potential Experiment
VCBNASA AcronymsVertical Location Of The Center Of Buoyancy
VCB-CPAChemistry AcronymsVirtual Crystal Bandwidth-coherent Potential Approxn. (for Electronic-structure Calcns. On Alloys)
VCCChemistry AcronymsVariable Curvature Coordinates (in Calcns. On Mol. Vibrations)
VCCNASA AcronymsVerification Code Counter
VCC-IOSChemistry AcronymsVibrational Close-coupling-(rotational) Infinite-order Sudden (for Inelastic Mol. Collisions Calcns.)
VCC-RIOSChemistry AcronymsVibrational Close-coupled-rotational Infinite Order Sudden
VCCPBChemistry AcronymsVariable-charge Coulomb-projected Born (approxn. For Electron-atom Scattering)
VCDChemistry AcronymsVapor Compression Distillation
VCDChemistry AcronymsVibrational Circular Dichroism
VCDNASA AcronymsVerification Control Document
VCD(S)NASA AcronymsVapor Compression Distillation (Subsystem)
VCDAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsVaya Con Dios, Amigo (Go With God, Friend)
VCDSUncategorized Acronyms(Canada) Vice-Chief Of The Defence Staff
VCDTChemistry AcronymsVienna Canyon Diablo Troilite
VCDWChemistry AcronymsVector Charge-density Wave
VCEChemistry AcronymsVapor Cloud Explosion
VCEChemistry AcronymsVapor Compression Evaporator
VCENASA AcronymsVoice
VCGNASA AcronymsVector Cardiogram
VCGNASA AcronymsVertical Location Of The Center Of Gravity
VCIChemistry AcronymsValence Configuration Interaction (wave Function)
VCIChemistry AcronymsVariational Configuration Interaction (quantum Calcn. Method)
VCINASA AcronymsVelocity Change Indicator
VCIComputer Acronyms (Common)Virtual Channel Identifier
VCJCSUncategorized AcronymsVice Chairman
VCJDUncategorized AcronymsVariant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
VCMChemistry AcronymsVariational Cellular Method (for Electronic Structure Calcns.)
VCMNASA AcronymsVolatile Condensable Material
VCM SDRAMComputer And Internet AcronymsVirtual-Channel Memory SDRAM
VCNNASA AcronymsVerification Completion Notice
VCNOUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Vice Chief Of Naval Operations
VCOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVoltage-controlled Oscillation
VCONASA AcronymsVoltage Controlled Oscillator (Oscillation)
VCOFSUncategorized AcronymsVice Chief Of Staff
VCPNASA AcronymsVandenberg Contract Report
VCPIComputer And Internet AcronymsVirtual Control Program Interface
VCQDChemistry AcronymsVertically Coupled Quantum Dots
VCRUncategorized AcronymsVideo Cassette Recorder
VCRUS Military AcronymsVideo Cassette Recorder
VCSChemistry AcronymsVoluntary Cleanup Section
VCSNASA AcronymsVerification Control Sheet
VCSNASA AcronymsVoice Command System
VCSELChemistry AcronymsVertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
VCSELComputer And Internet AcronymsVertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
VCTNASA AcronymsVoltage Control Transfer
VCTUncategorized AcronymsSaint Vincent And The Grenadines (ISO 3166 Trigram)
VCTRNASA AcronymsVector
VCUNASA AcronymsVideo Control Unit
VCUNASA AcronymsVideo Control Unit
VCXUS Military AcronymsTactical Air Warfare Combat Logistic Support
VCXOChemistry AcronymsVoltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
VDUncategorized AcronymsNorth Vietnam (ISO 3166 Digram
VDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Veak And Dizzy; Older Person Feeling Vaguely Unwell And Presents At ER At 2am Complaining Of Feeling "weak And Dizzy"
VD-RCCChemistry AcronymsVibrational Diabatic-rotational Close-coupled (method In Mol. Collision Calcns.)
VD-RIOSChemistry AcronymsVibrational Diabatic-rotational Infinite Order Sudden
VDANASA AcronymsValve Driver Assembly
VDANASA AcronymsVariable Data Area
VDACChemistry AcronymsVoltage-dependent Anion Channel
VDCNASA AcronymsVolts
VDDNASA AcronymsVerification Description Document
VDDNASA AcronymsVersion Description Document
VDDUS Military AcronymsVersion Description Document

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