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Acronyms starting with S Page 16

 Acronym Category Meaning
SGMPChemistry AcronymsSol-gel-microsphere Pelletization
SGMTNASA AcronymsSimulated Greenwich Mean Time
SGOChemistry AcronymsSpherical Gaussian Orbital
SGOSNASA AcronymsShuttle Ground Operations Simulation (Simulator)
SGOTChemistry AcronymsSerum Glutamic-oxaloacetic Transaminase
SGPNASA AcronymsSingle Ground Point
SGPUncategorized AcronymsSingapore (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SGPRChemistry AcronymsSpecific Gas Production Rate
SGPTChemistry AcronymsSerum Glutamic-pyruvic Transaminase
SGPTMedical AcronymsSerum Glutamic-pyruvic Transaminase
SGRChemistry AcronymsSteam Gas Recycle (process For Shale Oil Recovery)
SGRAMComputer And Internet AcronymsSynchronous Graphic RAM
SGSUncategorized AcronymsSouth Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Svalbard Ground Station (Landsat) - Soci?t? G?n?rale De Surveillance
SGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSubgrid Scale
SGSNASA AcronymsSteep Glide Slope
SGSCNASA AcronymsStrain Gage Signal Conditioner
SGTFChemistry AcronymsSpherical Gaussian-type Function
SGWDChemistry AcronymsSubmarine Groundwater Discharge
SHUncategorized AcronymsSaint Helena (ISO 3166 Digram) -SONATRACH (Algerian Petroleum Company)
SHUncategorized AcronymsSerbo-Croatian Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSh*t Happens
SHUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Sierra Hotel: Sh*t Hot
SHNASA AcronymsLDShield
SHAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSouthern Hemisphere
SH2Chemistry AcronymsSrc-homology 2
SH2NASA AcronymsSupercritical Hydrogen
SH3Chemistry AcronymsSrc Homology 3
SHAUS Military AcronymsSystem Hazard Analysis
SHAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Ship His Ass (when Patients Refuse To Be Discharged).
SHANASA AcronymsSidereal Hour Angle
SHANASA AcronymsSystem Hazard Analysis
SHACUncategorized AcronymsStop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
SHADMedical Acronyms (Slang)Syphilitic, Hypochondriac, Alcoholic Degenerate
SHADOZChemistry AcronymsSouthern Hemisphere Additional Ozone Sounding Program
SHAGNASA AcronymsSimplified High Accuracy Guidance (Honeywell)
SHAPEChemistry AcronymsSimulation Of Human Activity And Pollution Exposure
SHAPEUncategorized AcronymsSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SHAPMChemistry AcronymsShear Horizontal Acoustic Plate Mode
SHAREAstronomy AcronymsSpace Station Heat Pipe Advanced Radiator Element
SHARPSatellite Meterology AcronymsSummer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (NASA)
SHBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsShould Have Been
SHBGChemistry AcronymsSex Hormone-binding Globulin
SHCChemistry AcronymsSelective Hydrophobic Coagulation
SHCChemistry AcronymsSymmetrized Hyperspherical Coordinates (in Quantum Calcns. On Reactive Scattering)
SHCOONSMS Chat And Text AcronymsShoot Hot Coffee Out Of Nose
SHDNNASA AcronymsShutdown
SHENASA AcronymsSuPercritical Helium
SHEChemistry AcronymsStandard Hydrogen Electrode
SHEBAChemistry AcronymsSurface Heat Budget Of Arctic Ocean
SHEBAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSurface Heat Budget Of The Arctic Ocean
SHEDChemistry AcronymsSealed Housing For Evaporative Detn.
SHEEDChemistry AcronymsScanning High-energy Electron Diffraction
SHEFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStandard Hydrometeorological Exchange Format
SHERBNASA AcronymsSandia Human Error Rate Bank
SHFNASA AcronymsSuper High Frequency
SHFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSuper High Frequency
SHFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSuper High Frequency
SHFUncategorized AcronymsSuper High Frequency
SHGChemistry AcronymsSecond Harmonic Generation
SHIDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSlap Head In Disgust
SHIDSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSlaps Head In Disgust
SHIPALTUS Military AcronymsShip Alteration
SHIREChemistry AcronymsSouthern Hemisphere Infrared Experiment
SHIREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSouthern Hemisphere Infrared Experiment
SHIVChemistry AcronymsSimian-human Immunodeficiency Virus
SHLBNASA AcronymsSimulation Hardware Load Boxes
SHLDRNASA AcronymsShoulder
SHMChemistry AcronymsStockholm Humic Model
SHMChemistry AcronymsScreened Hydrogenic Model (for Electronic Structure In Plasmas)
SHMILYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee How Much I Love You
SHNUncategorized AcronymsSaint Helena (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SHOAChemistry AcronymsSecond-harmonic Optical Activity
SHOALSUncategorized AcronymsScanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne Lidar Survey
SHOMHuman Genome AcronymsSequencing By Hybridization On Matrices
SHORADUncategorized AcronymsShort Range Air Defence
SHORADEZUncategorized AcronymsSHORAD Engagement Zone
SHORANNASA AcronymsShort Range Navigation
SHPNASA AcronymsShaft HorsePower
SHPUncategorized AcronymsSaint Helena Pound (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
SHPUS Military AcronymsShaft Horse Power
SHPLUS Military AcronymsShp Left
SHPOSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Sub-Human Piece Of Sh*t
SHPRUS Military AcronymsShp Right
SHRChemistry AcronymsSelective Hybrid Reduction
SHRChemistry AcronymsSpontaneously Hypertensive Rat
SHRAUncategorized AcronymsRain Showers (METAR Code)
SHRDNASA AcronymsShroud
SHRDNASA AcronymsSupplemental Heat Rejection Devices
SHREWDChemistry AcronymsStandoff Handheld Real-time Early Warning Detector
SHRIMPChemistry AcronymsScalar Heteromolecular Recoupled Interactions By Multiple Phase
SHRIMPChemistry AcronymsSensitive High Mass Resolution Ion Microprobe
SHRPChemistry AcronymsStrategic Highway Research Program
SHRSChemistry AcronymsStimulated Hyper Raman Scattering
SHSChemistry AcronymsSelf-propagating High-temperature Synthesis
SHSNASA AcronymsSimulation Hardware System
SHSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Sullen, Hostile, Stupid (often An Inner City Drug/alcohol Addict)
SHSCUS Military AcronymsSafety Hazard Severity Code
SHSNUncategorized AcronymsSnow Showers (METAR Code)
SHTChemistry AcronymsSurface Hopping Trajectory (model For Mol. Scattering)
SHTRNASA AcronymsShutter

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