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Acronyms starting with L Page 9

 Acronym Category Meaning
LIGOChemistry AcronymsLaser-interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory
LIGOUncategorized AcronymsLaser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory
LIGSChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Grating Spectroscopy
LIIChemistry AcronymsLiquid Injection Incinerator
LIJMedical AcronymsLeft Internal Jugular
LILEChemistry AcronymsLarge-ion Lithophile Element
LILOComputer And Internet AcronymsLinux Loader
LIMNASA AcronymsLimit
LIMUncategorized AcronymsLimburgish Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
LIMComputer And Internet AcronymsLifeline Interface Module
LIMComputer And Internet AcronymsLotus-Intel-Microsoft
LIMChemistry AcronymsLast Interglacial Maximum (era Of Warm Nonglacial Climate Between PGP And LGM)
LIMChemistry AcronymsLiquid-injection Molding
LIMAChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Ion-mass Analyzer
LIMBChemistry AcronymsLimestone Injection/multistage Burner
LIMRCNASA AcronymsLRU Identification And Maintenance Requirements Catal
LIMSNASA AcronymsLogistics Inventory Management System
LIMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLimb Infrared Monitor Of The Statosphere
LIMSChemistry AcronymsLaser Ionization Mass Spectrometry
LIMSChemistry AcronymsLimb Infrared Monitor Of The Stratosphere
LIMSChemistry AcronymsLaboratory Information Management System
LINNASA AcronymsLinear
LINNASA AcronymsLiquid Nitrogen
LINUncategorized AcronymsLingala Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
LINUS Military AcronymsLinear
LINUS Military AcronymsLiquid Nitrogen
LINEChemistry AcronymsLong Interspersed Element
LINEARChemistry AcronymsLincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research
LINEARUncategorized AcronymsLincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research
LINFChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Native Fluorescence
LINJETNASA AcronymsLiquid Injection Electric Thruster
LINUXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
LIOASChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Optoacoustic Spectroscopy
LIOHNASA AcronymsLithium Hydroxide
LIOHNASA AcronymsLithium Hydroxide
LIPChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Plasma
LIPASChemistry AcronymsLaser Induced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
LIPMChemistry AcronymsLaser Integrating Plate Method
LIPODChemistry AcronymsLaser Induced Photochemical Oxidative Destruction Process
LIPSChemistry AcronymsLanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy
LIPSChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Plasma Spectroscopy
LIPSSChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Periodic Surface Structures
LIQNASA AcronymsLiquid
LIRChemistry AcronymsLimiting Infiltration Rate
LIREChemistry AcronymsLaser Ionization Recombination Emission
LIRISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLoral IR Imaging System
LISAstronomy AcronymsLightning Imaging Sensor
LISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLibrary And Information Systems
LISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLightning Imaging Sensor
LISChemistry AcronymsLightning Imaging Sensor
LISChemistry AcronymsLanthanide-induced Shift
LISText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing In Silence
LISSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLaughing In Silence
LISAChemistry AcronymsLaser Interferometer Space Antenna
LISAChemistry AcronymsLibrary And Information Science Abstracts
LISAChemistry AcronymsLander For Ion-selective Analysis
LISAUncategorized AcronymsLaser Interferometer Space Antenna
LISPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsList Processing Language
LISPSChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectroscopy
LISSChemistry AcronymsLow Ionic Strength Solution
LITChemistry AcronymsLinear Ion Trap
LITUncategorized AcronymsLithuanian Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
LITAChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Thermal Acoustics
LITDChemistry AcronymsLased Induced Thermal Desorption
LITEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLidar In Space Technology Experiment
LITGSChemistry AcronymsLaser Induced Thermal Grating Spectroscopy
LITJChemistry AcronymsLaser-Induced Temperature Jump
LIVAChemistry AcronymsLight-induced Voltage Alteration
LIVEUncategorized AcronymsLiquid Inertial Vibration Eliminator
LJUncategorized AcronymsLa Jolla - Larry Johnson - LaserJet - Library Journal - Linux Journal - LiveJournal - Ljubljana - Lord Justice Of Appeal -Sierra National Airlines (IATA Code)
LJBFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLet's Just Be Friends
LJJUncategorized AcronymsLord Justices Of Appeal
LKNASA AcronymsLeak
LKNASA AcronymsLock
LKUncategorized AcronymsSri Lanka (ISO 3166 Digram)
LK CPLGUS Military AcronymsLocked And Coupled
LKAUncategorized AcronymsSri Lanka (ISO 3166 Trigram)
LKAUS Military AcronymsAmphibious Cargo Ship (landing Craft Carriers)
LKITRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLittle Kid In The Room
LKKRChemistry AcronymsLayer Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (in Interface Electronic Structures)
LKRUncategorized AcronymsSri Lanka Rupee (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
LLNASA AcronymsLaunch And Landing
LLNASA AcronymsLaunch Left
LLNASA AcronymsLever Lock
LLNASA AcronymsLong Lead
LLNASA AcronymsLong Line
LLNASA AcronymsLow Level
LLNASA AcronymsLower Left
LLNASA AcronymsLower Limit
LLUncategorized AcronymsLand Line (telephone) - Last Log - Late Latin - Left Limit - Lex Luthor (Superman Character) - Light Line - Limited Liability - Linked List - Little League
LLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLincoln Laboratories
LLADUncategorized AcronymsLow Level Air Defence
LLBUncategorized AcronymsLegum Baccalaureus (Latin: Bachelor Of Laws)
LLCUncategorized AcronymsLimited Liability Company
LLCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLogical Link Control
LLCChemistry AcronymsLewis Lung Carcinoma
LLCChemistry AcronymsLyotropic Liquid Crystal
LLCFNASA AcronymsLaunch And Landing Computational Facilities
LLCSCUS Military AcronymsLoser-level Computer Software Component
LLDChemistry AcronymsLower Limit Of Detection

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