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Acronyms starting with B Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
BIDChemistry AcronymsBackground Information Document
BIDChemistry AcronymsBuoyancy Induced Dispersion
BIDMedical AcronymsTwice A Day
BIDSTUncategorized AcronymsBritish Institute Of Dental And Surgical Technologists
BIFUncategorized AcronymsBurundian Franc (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
BIFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBasis In Fact
BIFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBefore I Forget
BIFChemistry AcronymsBanded Iron-formation
BIFChemistry AcronymsBoilers And Industrial Furnaces (USEPA Rule)
BIFETChemistry AcronymsBipolar Field Effect Transistor
BIFLChemistry AcronymsBurst Integrated Fluorescence Lifetime
BIG/GTChemistry AcronymsBiomass Gasifier/gas Turbine (for Steam/electricity Cogeneration)
BIGITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsA Binary Digit
BIHUncategorized AcronymsBihari Languages (ISO 639-2 Code)
BIHUncategorized AcronymsBosnia And Herzegovina (ISO 3166 Trigram)
BIIRChemistry AcronymsBrominated Isobutene-isoprene Rubber
BILSMS Chat And Text AcronymsBrother In Law
BILText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBrother-In-Law
BILATMedical AcronymsBilateral
BILATMedical AcronymsBilateral
BILEChemistry AcronymsBeam Induced Light Emission
BIMAAstronomy AcronymsBerkeley Illinois Maryland Array
BIMASUS Govt. AcronymsBioInformatics Molecular Analysis Section
BIMDAAstronomy AcronymsBioserve-Instrumentation Technology Associate Materials Dispersion Analysis
BIMOSChemistry AcronymsBipolar Metal-oxide Semiconductor
BINDChemistry AcronymsBiomolecular Interaction Network Database
BINETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBistatic Doppler Radar Receiver Network
BIOHuman Genome AcronymsBiotechnology Industry Organization
BIO-FIXChemistry AcronymsBiomass Foam Immobilized Extractant
BIOFLUXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBioaerosol Flux
BIOFORChemistry AcronymsBiogenic Aerosol Formation In The Boreal Forest
BIOIYAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBreak It Off In Your Ass
BIOMASSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBiological Investigations Of Marine Antarctic Systems And Stocks
BIOMEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBiological Imaging And Observational Mission To Earth
BIOMEChemistry AcronymsBiological Imaging And Observation/Mission To Earth
BIOMOVSChemistry AcronymsBiosphere Model Validation Study
BIONText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBelieve It Or Not
BIORESPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBio Response
BIORESPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBio Response
BIOSChemistry AcronymsBiological Innovation For Open Society
BIOSChemistry AcronymsBritish Intelligence Objectives Sub-committee
BIOSChemistry AcronymsBiological Data System (file Within STORET)
BIOSUncategorized AcronymsBasic Input/Output System - British Institute Of Organ Studies
BIOSComputer Acronyms (Common)Basic Input/Output System
BIOSComputer And Internet AcronymsBasic Input/Output System
BIOSISChemistry AcronymsBioSciences Information Service
BIOYEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBlow It Out Your Ear
BIOYIOPSMS Chat And Text AcronymsBlow It Out Your I/O Port
BIOYIOPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBlow It Out Your I/O Port
BIOYNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBlow It Out Your Nose
BIPUncategorized AcronymsBattlefield Interoperability Programme (ancestor Of MIP) - Boys Into Party (musical Group)
BIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBalloon-borne (instrument) Platform
BIPMChemistry AcronymsBureau International Des Poids Et Mesures
BIPPChemistry AcronymsBoron Implanted Polysilicon Pad
BIRChemistry AcronymsBaculovirus IAP Repeat
BIRDChemistry AcronymsBilinear Rotation Decoupling
BIRDChemistry AcronymsBlackbody Infrared Radiative Dissociation
BIRPSChemistry AcronymsBritish Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate
BISChemistry AcronymsBremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy
BISChemistry AcronymsBureau Of Indian Stds.
BISChemistry AcronymsBispectral Index
BISUncategorized AcronymsBislami Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
BISUS Govt. AcronymsBureau Of Industry And Security
BISUS Military AcronymsBuilt-in Simulation
BISEPSUncategorized AcronymsBattlefield Identification System Environment Performance Simulation
BISTUncategorized AcronymsBuilt-In Self-Test
BITSatellite Meterology AcronymsBinary Digit
BITUncategorized AcronymsBilateral Investment Treaty - Built-In Test
BITUS Military AcronymsBinary Digit
BITUS Military AcronymsBuilt-in Test
BITMedical Acronyms (Slang)Burp In Transit (gas Seen In The Stomach On An Abdominal Film)
BITComputer And Internet AcronymsBinary Digit
BITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBinary Digit
BITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBinary Digit (either 0 Or 1)
BITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBuilt-in Test
BITCHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBasically In The Clear, Honey
BITDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBack In The Day
BITENASA AcronymsBuilt-in Test Equipment
BITEUncategorized AcronymsBuilt-In Test Equipment
BITEUS Military AcronymsBuilt-in Test Equipment
BITFOBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBring It The F*ck On, Bitch
BITNETComputer And Internet AcronymsBecause Its Time Network
BITNETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBecause It's Time Network
BITSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsBiologically Important Trace Species
BIUUS Military AcronymsBus Interface Unit
BIVChemistry AcronymsBovine Immunodeficiency Virus
BIXEChemistry AcronymsBombardment-induced X-ray Emission
BIXSChemistry AcronymsBeta-ray Induced X-ray Spectrometry
BJUncategorized AcronymsBenin (ISO 3166 Digram) -Blowjob (oral Sex)
BJText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsBlow Job
BJAUS Govt. AcronymsBureau Of Justice Assistance
BJHChemistry AcronymsBopp-Jancso-Heinzinger (potential Function)
BJPUncategorized AcronymsBharatiya Janata Party (Indian People's Party)
BJSUS Govt. AcronymsBureau Of Justice Statistics
BJTUncategorized AcronymsBipolar Junction Transistor
BJTChemistry AcronymsBipolar Junction Transistors
BKChemistry AcronymsBrinkman-Kramers (approxn. In Ion-mol. Collision Quantum Calcn.)
BKUncategorized AcronymsBankrupt (most Often Seen As Gone BK) -Bosnia And Herzegovina (FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
BKUncategorized AcronymsBerkelium
BK-DOKChemistry AcronymsBerufkrankeit Dokumentation (German Occupational Disease Documentation)

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