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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: DFO-SFJ

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Done Fell Out - Screaming For Jesus

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
FOBFound On Bench
MFCMeasure For Coffin
IPInsurance Pain - Neck Pain Secondary To A Minor Car Bump
NARSNot A Rocket Scientist (low IQ)
CFCockroach Factor - A Patient's Ability To Survive Trauma Or Serious Treatment Is Inversely Proportional To His Contribution To Society.
FHHS(US) Female Hispanic Hysterical Syndrome (screaming And Crying)
AEAggressive Euthanasia - A Procedure That Obnoxious Patients Would Benefit From.
SBASilver Bracelet Award - Patient Is A Prisoner Brought In Wearing Cuffs
ECEternal Care - Intensive Care (for A Patient Who Won't Come Out Again)
DIDCDose Of I Don't Care - Pain-killing Meds That Make Patient Light-headed

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